Gekoppelde ZonMw projecten met Richtlijnendatabase Federatie Medisch Specialisten

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Overzicht onderzoek en richtlijnen

Anesthesiologie (NVA)

Dermatologie en Venereologie (NVDV)

Heelkunde (NVvH)

171102008Fixation using Alternative Implants for the Treatment of Hip Fractures (FAITH): cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a multicenter randomized clinical trialOptimale techniek proximale femurfractuur > Repositie fractuur collum femoris fractuurProximale femurfracturenLetsel na ongeval
843002607iCAN trial. Intrathoracic versus Cervical esophagogastricvANastomosis after minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal cancerOesofaguscarcinoom - Behandeling > Oesofaguscarcinoom - Chirurgische technieken > Oesofaguscarcinoom - AnastomoseOesofaguscarcinoomOesofagus- en maagcarcinoom
843002704Pelvic Floor rehabilitation to improve functional Outcome and quality of life after surgery for Rectal CancEr: a randomized controlled trial. FORCE-trial.Nazorg en nacontrole bij CRC > Darmfunctiestoornissen na RC behandelingColorectaal carcinoom (CRC)Oncologie onderste tractus digestivus
843002708Initial non-operative treatment strategy versus appendectomy treatment strategy for simple appendicitis in children aged 7- 17 years old. APAC studyBehandeling van simpele appendicitisAcute appendicitisGE-chirurgie
843004104Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy plus standard surgery versus active surveillance for oesophageal cancer (SANO-trial)Oesofaguscarcinoom - Behandeling > Oesofaguscarcinoom - Chirurgische behandeling > Oesofaguscarcinoom - Chirurgisch vs. niet-chirurgisch bij resectabele tumorOesofaguscarcinoomOesofagus- en maagcarcinoom
843004106Proclion - Prospective evaluation of interventions for critical limb ischemiaEndovasculair femoropopliteale traject PAVPerifeer Arterieel Vaatlijden (PAV)Vaatchirurgie
843004108The (cost)effectiveness of  neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for (borderline) resectable pancreatic cancer.(Neo-)Adjuvante, chemotherapie, radiotherapie of chemoradiotherapie > Neoadjuvante behandeling resectabel pancreascarcinoomPancreascarcinoomOncologie lever pancreas
843004110Evaluation of continuous monitoring by pulse oximetry without OSA screening vs. perioperative CPAP treatment following OSA screening in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a multicenter prospective study (POPCORN-study)Work-up voorafgaand aan chirurgische behandeling van obesitasChirurgische behandeling van obesitasObesitas
843004119How effective is follow-up after endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms, can we do better?Lange termijn uitkomsten en follow up na AAA-behandeling  > Specifieke EVAR gerelateerde complicaties na AAA-behandelingAneurysma van de abdominale aorta (AAA)Vaatchirurgie
852001903Hernia Exploration oR Not In Infants Analysis (HERNIIA-trial): A randomized controlled trial to study the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of contralateral surgical exploration during unilateral inguinal hernia repair in children.Behandeling bij kinderen met een liesbreukLiesbreuk bij kinderenAlgemene chirurgie
852001904Improving the quality of life of patients with breast cancer-related lymphedema by lymphaticovenous anastomosis (LVA): A randomized controlled trial.Borstkanker - Nazorg > Borstkanker - Signalering en behandeling van gevolgen > Borstkanker - Locoregionale gevolgenBorstkankerBorstkanker
852001909Evaluating the utility of bone grafts in open wedge corrective osteotomy and plate fixation in patients with malunited distal radius fractures (WOPPeR trial)Startpagina - Distale radiusfracturenDistale radiusfracturenHand en pols
852001926The TRIASSIC study: Multicentre, randomised controlled trial comparing TRansanal minimal InvAsive Surgery (TAMIS) and endoscopic Submucosal dIsseCtion (ESD) for resection of non-pedunculated rectal lesions.Primaire behandeling rectumcarcinoomColorectaal carcinoom (CRC)Oncologie onderste tractus digestivus
852002004Paravertebral catheter versus Epidural analgesia in Minimally Invasive Esophageal Resection: a randomized controlled multicenter trial (PEPMEN trial)Oesofaguscarcinoom - Specifieke perioperatieve maatregelen > Oesofaguscarcinoom - AnalgesieOesofaguscarcinoomOesofagus- en maagcarcinoom
852002023Cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of rubber band ligation versus sutured mucopexy versus haemorrhoidectomy in patients with recurrent haemorrhoidal disease: a multicentre, randomized controlled trialBehandelalgoritme symptomatische hemorroïden > Graad 1, 2 (en 3) symptomatische hemorroïdenProctologieBekkenbodem en procotologie
852002023Cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of rubber band ligation versus sutured mucopexy versus haemorrhoidectomy in patients with recurrent haemorrhoidal disease: a multicentre, randomized controlled trialBehandelalgoritme symptomatische hemorroïden > Graad 3 en 4 symptomatische hemorroïdenProctologieBekkenbodem en procotologie
852002024Outcome and cost-effectiveness of a dynamic Lucerne-cast versus immobilization by forearm-cast in patients with FraCtures (neck, sHaft, intra-Articular) of the MetacarPAl bone, requirinG Non-operative trEatment. SHORT-TITLE: CHAMPAGNE-studyFracturen van de metacarpaliaHandfracturenHand en pols
852002123Does Increasing Oxygen Nurture Your Symptomatic Ischaemic Ulcer Sufficiently? (DIONYSIUS trial)Behandeling > Hyperbare zuurstoftherapieDiabetische voetDiabetes mellitus
10390012110045Preventing recurrent ‘idiopathic’ acute pancreatitis through laparoscopic cholecystectomy (PICUS-2): a multicenter randomized trialStartpagina - GalsteenlijdenGalsteenlijdenGE-chirurgie
10330022010001Towards patient-led follow-up after curative treatment of stage II and III colorectal cancer (DISTANCE)Follow-up bij CRC > Follow-up na oncologische resectie CC en RCColorectaal carcinoom (CRC)Oncologie onderste tractus digestivus
10330022010006FLOW: Flow dysfunction of hemodialysis vascular access: a randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of surveillance of arteriovenous fistulas and graftsMonitoring en surveillance bij vaattoegang voor hemodialyseVaattoegang voor hemodialyseVaatchirurgie
10330032010001Effectiveness of persoNalized care After treatment for nonmetastasized Breast cancer based On risk of Recurrence, personal needs and risk on (late) health effects: the NABOR study.Borstkanker - Organisatie van zorg > Borstkanker - De nazorgfaseBorstkankerBorstkanker
843004120The frail institutionalized elderly patient with a hip fracture in the shade of life (FRAIL-HIP); how do we value non-operative management?Proximale femurfractuur preoperatieve traject > Besluitvorming bij proximale femurfractuurBehandeling kwetsbare ouderen bij chirurgieLetsel na ongeval
843002705ROutine versus on DEmand removal Of the syndesmotic stabilisation screw; a randomized controlled trial (RODEO-trial)Operatieve behandeling bij enkelfracturen > Behandeling syndesmoseletselsEnkelfracturenLetsel na ongeval
843002822Selective rather than routine histopathology after appendicectomy and cholecystectomyStandaard histopathologisch onderzoek appendixAcute appendicitisGE-chirurgie
843002822Selective rather than routine histopathology after appendicectomy and cholecystectomyGalblaaspoliep & galblaascarcinoomGalsteenlijdenGE-chirurgie
837002004Scrutinizing (in)efficient use of cholecystectomy: a randomized trial concerning variation in practice.Ongecompliceerde symptomatische galstenen > Behandeling ongecompliceerde galstenenGalsteenlijdenGE-chirurgie
837002403Is routine radiography following the initial 2-week follow-up of traumapatients with wrist and ankle fractures necessary?Letsel na ongevalEnkelfracturenStartpagina - Enkelfracturen


Intensive Care (NVIC)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
2021002343 Evaluation of structured, multidisciplinary and personalized post-ICU care on physical and psychological functioning, and quality of life of former ICU patients Organisatie van IC-nazorg, revalidatie en herstelzorg Nazorg en revalidatie van intensive care patiënten Revalidatie en nazorg na trauma/ernstige ziekten


Interne Geneeskunde (NIV)

837001406HypoBewust: A combined group and online educational program for diabetes patients with hypoglycemia. A cost-effectiveness Randomized Controlled Trial.Hypoglykemie > Preventie hypoglykemie bij diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitus
837002508Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of at-home infrared temperature monitoring in reducing the incidence of foot ulcer recurrence in patients with diabetesPreventie > Preventie van voetulcera bij diabetesDiabetische voetDiabetes mellitus
843002624Equally good, with less: Omitting the sentinel node biopsy in clinically node negative early breast cancer patientsBorstkanker - Behandeling invasief carcinoom > Borstkanker - Regionale behandeling stadium I-II > Regionaal: SWK/OKDBorstkankerBorstkanker
843002625A Randomized Controlled Trial on Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion Prior to Central Venous Catheter Placement in Patients with Thrombocytopenia - PACER TRIAL -Trombocytentransfusies > Trombocytenwaarde voor profylactische trombocytentransfusieBloedtransfusiebeleidBloedtransfusie
843004115Effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring versus stepped Care starting with HypoAware, A Web-Based Psychoeducational Intervention, and adding CGM as needed, in Adult Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Hypoglycemia Awareness: A Randomized Controlled TrialHypoglykemie > Preventie hypoglykemie bij diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitus
843004116Improvement of quality of life with home dialysis compared to in-centre haemodialysis? The DOMESTICO projectDialyse of conservatieve behandelingNierfunctievervangende behandelingNefrologie
843001804DIVERS-II: Treating depression in dialysis patients with a tailored eHealth cognitive based treatment: A cluster randomized
controlled trial.
Palliatieve zorg bij eindstadium nierfalen - Symptomen > Palliatieve zorg bij eindstadium nierfalen - DepressiePalliatieve zorg bij eindstadium nierfalenPalliatieve geneeskunde
852002127Ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) as treatment for hyperthyroidism caused by solitary autonomous thyroid nodules.Therapie thyreotoxicoseSchildklierfunctiestoornissenSchildklierfunctiestoornissen
853001116Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a personalized multimodal orthotic treatment approach to reduce the risk of foot ulcer recurrence in persons with diabetesPreventie > Preventie van voetulcera bij diabetesDiabetische voetDiabetes mellitus
2021013304Automated blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes: effectiveness of the artificial pancreas.DM type 1 > Glucose zelfmanagement bij patiënten met diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1Diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitus
2021013309The efficacy of the addition of TRAstuzumab and Pertuzumab to neoadjuvant chemoradiation: a randomized multi-center study in resectable HER2 overexpressing esophageal adenocarcinoma: the TRAP-2 study. Oesofaguscarcinoom - Behandeling > Oesofaguscarcinoom - Neoadjuvante behandelingen > Oesofaguscarcinoom - Neoadjuvante chemoradiotherapieOesofaguscarcinoomOesofagus- en maagcarcinoom
837002008Acute biliary Pancreatitis: early ERC plus sphincterotomy versus Conservative treatment: The -APEC- trial, a randomized, superiority, assessor-blinded multicenter trial.GE-chirurgieGalsteenlijdenAcute biliaire pancreatitis


Klinische Geriatrie (NVKG)

Longziekten en Tuberculose (NVALT)

Neurochirurgie (NVvN)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
843002604 Cost-effectiveness of posterior cervical foraminotomy(FOR) versus anterior cervical discotomy with fusion (ACDF) for cervical soft/osteophytic disc disease. A randomized controlled multicenter study. Anterieure behandelingen bij crs tgv cHNP > Cervicale anterieure discectomie bij crs Cervicaal radiculair syndroom tgv cHNP Wervelkolomgerelateerd
852101065 Survival and Quality of Life after Early Surgical Intervention versus Wait-and-See in Elderly patients with a Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial with multicentre parallel group design (RESET ASDH study). Acute behandeling van hersenbloeding Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte
837004013 Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy vs. open microdiscectomy for patients with lumbar disc herniation Startpagina - Lumbosacraal radiculair syndroom (LRS) Lumbosacraal Radiculair Syndroom (LRS) Wervelkolomgerelateerd
2021002376 Effectiveness of MR-guided LITT therapy in patients with irresectable glioblastoma (EMITT) Behandeling Hooggradig glioom > Neurochirurgie bij hooggradig glioom > Chirurgische behandelingsstrategie hooggradig glioom Gliomen Neuro-oncologie
2021038368 Dutch intracerebral Hemorrhage surgery Trial; Minimally-invasive endoscopy-guided surgery for intracerebral hemorrhage (DIST-ABC). Acute behandeling van hersenbloeding > Acute neurochirurgie bij hersenbloeding Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte


Neurologie (NVN)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
837001408 CARE4STROKE program: Caregiver mediated exercises with e-Health support for early supported discharge after stroke. Revalidatie na herseninfarct/-bloeding Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte
837002509 The INVEST study (Infusion VErsus STimulation), a cost-effectiveness analysis of the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease comparing Continuous Levodopa Infusion to the traditional standard treatment Deep Brain Stimulation Startpagina - Ziekte van Parkinson  Ziekte van Parkinson  Parkinson
837004025 The Dutch Injection versus Surgery TRIal in CTS patients (DISTRICTS): a multi-center randomized controlled trial comparing two treatment strategies Corticosteroïd-injectie bij behandeling CTS Carpaletunnelsyndroom (CTS) Perifere neurologie
837004025 The Dutch Injection versus Surgery TRIal in CTS patients (DISTRICTS): a multi-center randomized controlled trial comparing two treatment strategies Behandeling van CTS Carpaletunnelsyndroom (CTS) Perifere neurologie
843004107 Carotid endarterectomy or optimized medical therapy in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis: a cost effectiveness analysis. Carotisendarteriëctomie bij herseninfarct > Indicaties voor carotisendarteriëctomie Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte
843004113 The optimal and cost effective approach of transthoracic echocardiography in ischemic stroke or TIA of undetermined cause Diagnostiek bij herseninfarct/-bloeding > Cardiale emboliebron herseninfarct Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte
843004122 Klinische en kosteneffectiviteit van gerichte nazorg voor patiënten met mogelijke cognitieve en emotionele klachten na een TIA of kleine beroerte, die rechtstreeks uit het ziekenhuis naar huis ontslagen kunnen worden Revalidatie na herseninfarct/-bloeding > Cognitieve revalidatie na herseninfarct Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte
852001906 Cost-effectiveness of lower extremity nerve decompression surgery in diabetic subjects. Niet-medicamenteuze behandeling PDNP Pijnlijke diabetische neuropathie (PDNP) Diabetes mellitus
2021038373 PRECISION Radiotherapy to treat Epilepsy (PRECISION) Startpagina - Cluster Epilepsie Epilepsie Epilepsie
10330022010005 Useful and cost-effective workup in chronic polyneuropathy (EXPRESS) Laboratoriumonderzoek zonder alarmsymptomen bij polyneuropathie  Polyneuropathie Perifere neurologie
10330022010005 Useful and cost-effective workup in chronic polyneuropathy (EXPRESS) EMG bij verdenking op een polyneuropathie > Indicatie EMG bij polyneuropathie Polyneuropathie Perifere neurologie
10330032010007 StAtins in Frail oldEr patients with ischemic Stroke or Transient ischemic attack (SAFEST) Secundaire preventie na TIA of herseninfarct > Medicamenteuze interventies na herseninfarct > Indicatie cholesterolverlagende medicatie Herseninfarct en hersenbloeding Cerebrovasculaire ziekte


Obstetrie en Gynaecologie (NVOG)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
837003004 Guideline-concordant care instead of the non-curative use of absorbent products in women aged 55 years and over with urinary incontinence UI Rol van de (continentie)verpleegkundige Urine-incontinentie (UI) bij vrouwen Bekkenbodem en procotologie
837001508 E-health in Incontinence: from U-Pad to I-Pad Urine-incontinentie bij vrouwen Bekkenbodem en procotologie
837002525 Pessary or surgery for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse Pessarium therapie bij prolaps Prolaps Bekkenbodem en procotologie
843001805 Evaluation of effectiveness of the PlasmaJet Surgical device in the treatment of Advanced Stage Ovarian Cancer: a randomized controlled trial in The Netherlands (PlaComOv-study) Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Behandeling hoog stadium (IIb - IV) > Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Chirurgie (hoog stadium) Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom Gyn-oncologie
843002603 Procedural sedation for hysteroscopic myomectomy: cost-effectiveness and patient preference HMB: Poliklinische hysteroscopie Hevig menstrueel bloedverlies (HMB) Benigne gynaecologie
843002809 Clinical impact of dedicated MR staging of ovarian cancer patients Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Diagnostiek > Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Beeldvormend onderzoek Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom Benigne gynaecologie
843002821 Evaluation of two vaginal, uterussparing surgical methods for pelvic organ prolapse reconstruction: modified Manchester operation (MM) and sacrospinal hysteropexy (SSH). Chirurgische behandeling vaginale prolaps Prolaps Bekkenbodem en procotologie
843004102 GERiatric Screening in the treatment of elderly patients with Ovarian Carcinoma  (GERSOC) Startpagina - Ovariumcarcinoom Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom Gyn-oncologie
843001602 Embryo selection using time-lapse monitoring in IVF and ICSI patients (SelecTIMO) Subfertiliteit Subfertiliteit Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
852001932 Tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during HSG in subfertile women: Is early flushing cost-effective as compared to delayed flushing? Hysterosalpingografie bij OFO Oriënterend fertiliteitsonderzoek (OFO) Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
852001944 Cost effectiveness of treatment strategies in couples with unexplained subfertility Startpagina - Onverklaarde subfertiliteit Onverklaarde subfertiliteit Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
852002128 ACCEPT (ACcuracy, Cost Effectivenss of Prediction models for ovarian Tumors): a study on the cost-effectiveness of risk scoring models for the discrimination between benign or malignant ovarian tumors. Diagnostische modellen bij een vergroot ovarium Het vergrote ovarium Benigne gynaecologie
852002128 ACCEPT (ACcuracy, Cost Effectivenss of Prediction models for ovarian Tumors): a study on the cost-effectiveness of risk scoring models for the discrimination between benign or malignant ovarian tumors. Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Diagnostiek > Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Beeldvormend onderzoek Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom Gyn-oncologie
852002034 The Cerebro Placental Ratio as indicator for delivery in perception of reduced fetal movements (CEPRA-study). Startpagina - Basis prenatale zorg Basis prenatale zorg Zwangerschapscomplicaties
10390012110017 The TWIN Cerclage - TWINC study. The effectiveness of Cerclage for the reduction of extreme preterm birth and perinatal mortality in Twin pregnancies with a short cervix Interventies bij meerlingzwangerschap Meerlingzwangerschap Zwangerschapscomplicaties
10390012110083 Is, in infertile women undergoing a basic fertility work-up, tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography cost-effective compared to tubal flushing by hysterosalpingo-foam sonography? Hysterosalpingografie bij OFO Oriënterend fertiliteitsonderzoek (OFO) Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
10390012110093 SUperiority of Perineoplasty as concomitant surgical procedure during Pelvic Organ prolapse Repair: a comparative cohort Trial (SUPPORT) Startpagina - Prolaps Prolaps Bekkenbodem en procotologie
843002605 The costeffectiveness of double layer closure of the caesarean (uterine) scar in the prevention of gynaecological symptoms in relation to niche development. Startpagina - Indicatiestelling sectio caesarea Indicatiestelling sectio caesarea Zwangerschapscomplicaties
837001504 Is Hysterosalpingo Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) a cost-effective alternative for hysterosalpingography (HSG) in assessing tubal patency in subfertile women? Hysterosalpingografie bij OFO Oriënterend fertiliteitsonderzoek (OFO) Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
843001710 Cost-effectiveness of a Non-degradable Urethral Bulking Agent as compared to Mid-urethral Sling surgery in women with Stress Urinary Incontinence Chirurgische interventies bij vrouwen met stressincontinentie - Richtlijn - Richtlijnendatabase Urine-incontinentie (UI) bij vrouwen Bekkenbodem en procotologie
843002601 Does endometrial scratching in women with implantation failure after a first IVF/ICSI cycle lead to lower costs due to a reduction in the number of subsequent IVF/ICSI cycles needed to achieve a live birth? Subfertiliteit Subfertiliteit Voortplantingsgeneeskunde


Orthopedie (NOV)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
837004022 The cost-effectiveness of surgery versus casting for elderly patients with intra-articular distal radius fractures. Indicatie operatieve behandeling bij distale radiusfractuur Distale radiusfracturen Hand en pols
837002009 Cost-effectiveness of Early Surgery versus Conservative Treatment with Optional Delayed Meniscectomy for Patients over 50 years. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Artroscopische behandeling van knieklachten > Behandeling meniscusletsels Artroscopie van de knie  Artrose
843002802 Should a patient with a suspected scaphoid fracture be treated with cast? An RCT Startpagina - Handfracturen Handfracturen Hand en pols
843004112 Surgical Approach of Hemiarthroplasty after Femoral Neck Fracture: Posterolateral or Direct Lateral (APOLLO) Optimale techniek proximale femurfractuur > Chirurgie en prothese collum femoris fractuur Proximale femurfracturen Letsel na ongeval
852001929 Cost-effectiveness of a transmural integrated care program for knee arthroplasty patients in the working population Randvoorwaarden nazorg patiënten bij TKP Totale knieprothese (TKP) Artrose
852002001 The THumb osteoarthritis Exercise TriAl (THETA); a multicenter, randomized controlled trial on exercise therapy with an orthosis compared to an orthosis alone in patients with thumb base osteoarthritis Conservatieve behandeling duimbasisartrose > Effect van fysiotherapeutische interventies Primaire artrose van de duimbasis Hand en pols
852002021 How should we treat a patient with a distal radius fracture after closed reduction? A cluster RCT Vorm van immobilisatie bij distale radiusfracturen Distale radiusfracturen Hand en pols
852002032 Which patient with an anterior cruciate ligament rupture will need a surgical reconstruction? Indicatie Voorste Kruisbandreconstructie > Indicaties behandeling VKB-letsel Voorste kruisbandletsel Onderste extremiteiten
852002107 Multicenter randomized controlled trial on nonoperative versus operative treatment for acute complete tears of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb: Cost-effectiveness and functional outcomes. SHORT-TITLE: MUSCAT-study Fracturen van de MCP-gewrichten Handfracturen Hand en pols
852002129 Active Monitoring versus an Abduction Device for treatment of Infants with Centered Dysplastic Hips, a RCT
(TReatment with Active Monitoring (TRAM)-Trial)
Behandeling van stabiele DDH DDH (dysplastische heupontwikkeling) bij kinderen onder één jaar Onderste extremiteiten
853001101 Socio-economic impact of motivational interviewing on adherence to orthopaedic shoes Preventie > Uitvoering voetcontrole Diabetische voet Diabetes mellitus
2021013311 Cost-effectiveness of joint distraction for young knee-osteoarthritis patients indicated for knee arthroplasty in routine care Behandeling heup- of knieartrose > Beleid bij specifieke subgroepen artrose Conservatieve behandeling van artrose in heup of knie Artrose
852001943 Cost-effectiveness analysis of non-surgical treatment versus total knee replacement in patients with knee osteoarthritis Optimale indicatiestelling voor plaatsen TKP > Indicatiestelling voor plaatsen TKP Totale knieprothese (TKP) Artrose
837002404 Should a traumatic meniscal tear be resected? Artroscopische behandeling van knieklachten > Behandeling meniscusletsels Artroscopie van de knie  Artrose
843004120 The frail institutionalized elderly patient with a hip fracture in the shade of life (FRAIL-HIP); how do we value non-operative management? Optimale techniek proximale femurfractuur > Chirurgie en prothese collum femoris fractuur Proximale femurfracturen Letsel na ongeval
171102006 Cost-effectiveness of two treatment strategies of an anterior cruciate ligament rupture. A randomized clinical study. Indicatie Voorste Kruisbandreconstructie > Optimale timing voor operatie VKB Voorste kruisbandletsel Onderste extremiteiten


Psychiatrie (NVvP)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
170992903 The clinical and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness based cognitive therapy, maintenance antidepressant medication and its combination in the prevention of relapse in patients with recurrent depression. Voorkomen van terugval bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171001002 Active mobilisation of psychological resources during passive antidepressant pharmacotherapy (Name study: REsource MObilisation Device In Depression (REMOD-ID)) Combinatiebehandeling bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171001010 Metacognitive training: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a training that aims to change cognitive biases that perpetuate psychosis in people with paranoid schizophrenia Psychosociale interventies bij schizofrenie > Effect cognitief gedragstherapie schizofrenie Schizofrenie Psychotische stoornissen
171002401 Cost-effectiveness of cognitive therapy with tapering of AD versus continuation of maintenance antidepressant treatment and the combination of both in preventing relapse and recurrence in recurrent depression: a randomized controlled multi-center trial Voorkomen van terugval bij depressie > Preventie terugval psychotherapie depressie Depressie Voortplantingsgeneeskunde
171002403 Cost effectiveness of an E-health module on Return to Work embedded in collaborative occupational health care for depressive disorders Maatschappelijke participatie bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171002405 Internet-based treatment of phobias in specialized mental health care: A randomized trial Startpagina - Angststoornissen Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
171101006 Effects of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in psychosomatic paralysis: symptom reduction and quality of life. Startpagina - SOLK en somatoforme stoornissen SOLK en somatoforme stoornissen SOLK
171102002 The effects and costs of preventive cognitive therapy plus usual care for remitted primary care patients with major depression versus usual care Voorkomen van terugval bij depressie > Preventie terugval psychotherapie depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171102003 Cost-effectiveness of internet-based guided self-help for depressive disorders in specialized mental health care: A randomized controlled trial Eerste-stap interventies bij depressie > E-health bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171102004 Reducing relapse and recurrence in depression with continuation Cognitive Therapy: a randomized controlled trial Voorkomen van terugval bij depressie > Preventie terugval psychotherapie depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
171102013 Gut-directed hypnotherapy in children with irritable bowel syndrome: self exercises at home using recorded scripts on CD versus individual therapy by qualified therapists. SOLK Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom > SOLK Psychologische methoden bij PDS SOLK en somatoforme stoornissen SOLK
171201008 Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation in therapy resistant depressive disorder in the Netherlands. Effects, tolerability and cost-effectiveness relative to treatment as usual. Chronische en therapieresistente depressie > Biologische behandelingen bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
837001004 Cognitive Remediation Therapy as a treatment enhancer in eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders Obsessief-compulsieve stoornis (OCS) > Psychologische interventies OCS > Cognitieve therapie compulsieve stoornis Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
837001007 Blended Care for Depression in Secondary Care Eerste-stap interventies bij depressie > E-health bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
837001401 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focussing on Social Activation in Patients with Recent Onset Schizophrenia. Psychosociale interventies bij schizofrenie > Effect cognitief gedragstherapie schizofrenie Schizofrenie Psychotische stoornissen
837002505 Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of blended eHealth treatment for severe anxiety disorders in secondary mental health care. Startpagina - Angststoornissen Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
843002709 Economic evaluation of psychiatric rehabilitation/self-management group intervention (PPEP4All) compared with usual care in patients with Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) and their partner; a multicenter pragmatic randomized controlled trial Chronische en therapieresistente depressie > Rehabilitatie en reïntegratie bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
843002803 Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for bipolar disorder. Psychosociale interventies bipolaire stoornis Bipolaire stoornissen Stemmingsstoornissen
843001604 Changing perspectives: Cost-Effectiveness of Interpretation Bias Modification in patients with Major Depressive Disorder Psychologische interventies depressie > Effect psychotherapeutische behandelingen Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
843001608 Internet-based attentional bias modification training as add-on to regular treatment in alcohol or cannabis dependent outpatients. Alcohol - Psychosociale interventies > Alcohol - Cognitieve gedragsinterventies Stoornissen in het gebruik van alcohol Verslaving
843001704 Walk and Talk; A Randomized Controlled Trial of High Intensive Treatment versus Care as Usual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Inleiding PTSS > Inleiding Psychologische interventies PTSS > Trauma-gerichte cognitieve gedragstherapie Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
843001706 Group schema-focussed therapy enriched with psychomotor therapy for older adults with personality disorders in specialized mental health care. Psychotherapie bij persoonlijkheidsstoornissen Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
843001803 Enhancing full recovery in patients with bipolar disorder Psychosociale interventies bipolaire stoornis Bipolaire stoornissen Stemmingsstoornissen
852001905 Cognitive control training (CCT) as an add-on  intervention in elderly depressed patients Psychologische interventies depressie > Duurzaam effectieve interventies depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
852001925 Cost-effectiveness of rTMS/CBT as next step in antidepressant non-responders.
A randomized comparison with current stepped care approaches to major depressive disorder
Farmacotherapeutische behandeling depressie > Medicamenteuze vervolgstappen bij non-respons Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
852002022 Adjunctive physical exercise to improve psychological and pharmacological treatment outcomes in major depressive disorder: cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a randomised comparison of usual care versus enhanced care Eerste-stap interventies bij depressie > Fysieke inspanning, lichamelijke activiteit Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
852002025 Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of internet-based treatment of insomnia in depressed patients treated at a mental healthcare institution Psychologische interventies depressie > Duurzaam effectieve interventies depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
852002103 Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with medication-resistant bipolar depression Overige biologische behandelingen Bipolaire stoornissen Stemmingsstoornissen
852002130 VRelax! Virtual Reality stress-reduction for burn-out, depression and anxiety. Eerste-stap interventies bij depressie > Bibliotherapie, zelfhulp en zelfmanagement Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
852002130 VRelax! Virtual Reality stress-reduction for burn-out, depression and anxiety. Paniekstoornis > Eerste stap interventies paniekstoornis Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
10390012110079 Higher, faster, better: a study on (cost-) effectiveness of neuromodulation in depression. Is an accelerated intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation protocol compared to standard 10 Hz repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, more (cost-) effective in patients with treatment-resistant depression? Chronische en therapieresistente depressie > Biologische behandelingen bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
2020006341 Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of oral esketamine versus electroconvulsive therapy for patients with severe, non-psychotic treatment resistant depression. Chronische en therapieresistente depressie > Biologische behandelingen bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
2021002366 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for exposure treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - TETRO, a multi-center randomized clinical trial Obsessief-compulsieve stoornis (OCS) > Behandelmogelijkheden bij OCS Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
837002401 Frequency of psychotherapy sessions for depression: a multicenter randomized trial Psychologische interventies depressie > Benodigde therapieduur bij depressie Depressie Stemmingsstoornissen
843001703 Treatment effects and cost-effectiveness of Autonomy Enhancing Treatment: A person-centred approach to anxiety disorders. Gegeneraliseerde angststoornis (GAS) > Psychologische interventie bij GAS > Cognitieve therapie bij GAS Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS
843001705 Cost effectiveness of trauma-focused treatments for childhood-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in adults Inleiding PTSS > Inleiding Psychologische interventies PTSS > Trauma-gerichte cognitieve gedragstherapie Angststoornissen Angststoornissen en PTSS


Radiotherapie en Oncologie (NVRO)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
852002028 GOLD study: Glioblastoma, Optimizing Logistics and Dose. Behandeling Hooggradig glioom > Radiotherapie bij hooggradig glioom > Indicatie radiotherapie glioblastoom Gliomen Neuro-oncologie
843004015 Substantiële verbetering van de overleving van stadium III, BRCA1-like borstkanker patiënten met doelgerichte behandeling Borstkanker - Adjuvante systemische behandeling Borstkanker Borstkanker
837004011 Randomized controlled trial comparing TIL treatment to ipilimumab for the treatment of advanced stage melanoma Startpagina - Melanoom Melanoom Maligniteiten van de huid
852004020 Phase III Randomized clinical trial for stage III ovarian carcinoma randomizing between primary cytoreductive surgery with or without hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy  Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - Behandeling hoog stadium (IIb - IV) > Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom - HIPEC (hoog stadium) Epitheliaal Ovariumcarcinoom Gyn-oncologie
837004012 Autologe Vettransplantatie (AFT) bij borstreconstructies na borstkanker; de techniek van de toekomst bij borstreconstructies. Aanvullende technieken bij borstreconstructie > Autologe vettransplantatie bij borstreconstructie na ablatio of borstsparende therapie Borstreconstructie Borstkanker
2021002358 SIRT with 166Ho-microspheres in elderly and fragile patients
with previously untreated unresectable liver-only metastases of
colorectal cancer, CAIRO7 study of the Dutch Colorectal
Cancer Group (DCCG)
Gemetastaseerd colorectaalcarcinoom (CRC) > Lokale therapie mCRC lever Colorectaal carcinoom (CRC) Oncologie onderste tractus digestivus
10330022010009 INSIGHT - Evaluation of nationwide long-term follow-up care for lymphoma survivors in the Netherlands: does survivorship care at the BETER clinics reduce morbidity and mortality from late effects of lymphoma treatment and associated costs? Diagnostiek na hodgkinlymfoom Cardiovasculaire schade na Hodgkinlymfoom Hemato-oncolgie
10330022010009 INSIGHT - Evaluation of nationwide long-term follow-up care for lymphoma survivors in the Netherlands: does survivorship care at the BETER clinics reduce morbidity and mortality from late effects of lymphoma treatment and associated costs? Mammacarcinoom na Hodgkinlymfoom Tweede tumoren na Hodgkinlymfoom Hemato-oncolgie
10330022010009 INSIGHT - Evaluation of nationwide long-term follow-up care for lymphoma survivors in the Netherlands: does survivorship care at the BETER clinics reduce morbidity and mortality from late effects of lymphoma treatment and associated costs? Diagnostiek schildklierschade Hodgkinlymfoom Schildklierschade na Hodgkinlymfoom Hemato-oncolgie
852001923 Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) for radically treated stage III non-small cell lung cancer: A meta-analysis on updated individual patient data of randomized phase III trials Niet kleincellig longcarcinoom  - Stadium III-NSCLC Niet kleincellig longcarcinoom Longoncologie
837004014 Vaccinaties met autologe, natuurlijk circulerende dendritische cellen (nDC) beladen met synthetische peptides bij patiënten met maligne melanoom stadium IIIb en IIIc: evaluatie van klinische respons, kwaliteit van leven en economische aspecten. Startpagina - Melanoom Melanoom Maligniteiten van de huid


Revalidatiegeneeskunde (VRA)

Dossiernr Projecttitel Module Richtlijn Cluster
10310042110003 Effectiviteit en kosteneffectiviteit van een stepped care interventie voor arm- en beenprothesen Organisatie van zorg bij amputatie Amputatie en prothesiologie onderste extremiteit Diabetes mellitus / vaatchirurgie