Instructions FAIR data for project leaders

These are starting points and instructions for all parties receiving a ZonMw grant. Additional requirements may be imposed depending on the specific programme text or call for grant applications.
Starting points
The starting points for the instructions for project leaders (grant recipients) are similar to those for the instructions for grant applicants. In short:
- It all starts with good data management
- Data and metadata must be made available (if needed under specific conditions)
- All data sources must be taken care of
- Setting steps to FAIRify data in research projects
Instructions for planning and conducting data management in a research project
At the outset of a project:
- Involve a data steward.
- Write a data management plan (DMP). Submit the DMP within the term defined in the grant approval letter (generally 3 to 5 months). Please note: The DMP is a living document that can be adjusted in the course of the project.
Read more about Preparing for FAIR data management in research projects.Read more about Acknowledged DMP templates.
- Please note any additional instructions in the grant approval letter.
- Continue evolving the plans/budgets established in the application stage.
- Continue alignment with researchers in the relevant field and/or consortium.
- Start exploring the key data to determine whether the required information can be reported later on in the project.
- Different points for attention may apply to practice-based projects not associated with a research group.
Read more about Instructions to report on FAIR data management using key items
During the course of a project:
- In the progress report, report on the progress and benefits of data management. To this end, use the key data insofar as these are known at this stage of the project. Read more about Instructions to report on FAIR data management using key items.
- If the DMP is updated, it must be appended to the progress report.
When finishing a project:
- In the final report, report on the benefits of data management using the completed key data list. Read more about Instructions to report on FAIR data management using key items.
- Submit the last version of the DMP.
It is required to register the delivered products, including databases and publications, with ZonMw up to four (4) years after the project. Use for that a persistent identifier (for instance the DOI-code (digital object identifier)).
What does ZonMw do with the DMP?
- Assessment: ZonMw will determine whether the DMP has been completed in full and whether all (additional) requirements have been met. ZonMw does not issue a response to the substance of the DMP unless stated otherwise in the call for grant applications or grant approval letter.
- Reference: The DMP is saved as a reference for data management monitoring in the course of the project. ZonMw may also use the DMP to analyse the approach, resources and standards implemented in a specific domain (e.g. terminology standards, data models, infrastructure, etc.).
What does ZonMw do with the key data?
The information provided by a project leader on the basis of the key data will (or may) be used for:
- Review: to determine whether the project leader has implemented the DMP and is ready to make the data files available for future use.
- Analysis of knowledge level: ZonMw analyses the state of knowledge with regard to data management in order to determine whether the methods are suitable and feasible.
- Analysis of DM and FAIR data developments: ZonMw gains insight into standards, services and resources used in a domain or consortium to make data reusable. If necessary, these may be publicised actively in future rounds of grant funding.
Read more about Instructions to report on FAIR data management using key item.