Policy and accountability

The focus of our work in the coming years is reflected in our 2025-2029 policy plan ‘Connecting with knowledge’.

Connecting with knowledge

We value our health immensely. While we strive for the highest standards of health in the Netherlands, this ambition is under strain from various complex challenges, including an unsustainable healthcare system, large regional disparities, new technologies and health inequalities. Overcoming these challenges necessitates innovation in prevention, healthcare and well-being. This innovation relies on knowledge. Our policy plan ‘Connecting with knowledge’ describes the work we will undertake in the period 2025-2029 aimed at making good health available to all. 

Policy plan 2025 - 2029

Our ambitions over the next 5 years:

In our strategic policy plan, we highlight four ambitions that outline how we will work with knowledge to boost good health for all over the next five years. To achieve this we connect a broad group of partners, including policymakers, citizens and experts with practical knowledge, prevention, healthcare and welfare professionals, researchers, educators and entrepreneurs. The four ambitions are as follows:

  • Transitions:

ZonMw provides knowledge which contributes to transitions in health, healthcare and well-being. We nourish and accelerate these transitions. We foster wide-ranging collaborations and broad partnerships, and develop knowledge about change.

  • Coherence and insight: 

Through our programmes we provide greater insight into how they are interconnected, showcase the social added value of their results and demonstrate how those results can be advanced (conveyed). This allows us to address long-term social challenges, contemporary policy themes and independent research.

  • Evident conditions: 

ZonMw increases the social and scientific impact of its programming by setting clear conditions for knowledge development and utilisation. For example, conditions relating to diversity, participation, reusable knowledge, user-centric knowledge utilisation and sustainability. We will also develop and further refine our programming skills.

  • Skilled in change: 

ZonMw is an agile, professional and communicative organisation that fosters a positive work environment where employees thrive. We invest in our people, effecient systems and streamline processes

Annual plan and budget

The ZonMw annual plan describes the ambitions of the organisation for 2023. In addition to the annual plan, we always publish the budget for the current year.

Annual plan 2023 (in Dutch)

Program and operating budget (in Dutch)

Annual accounts

In the financial annual reports, the annual accounts, you will find the developments that ZonMw has undergone as an organisation within the relevant year. Below you can find the annual accounts for the past five years. All documents are written in Dutch.

Annual report

The ZonMw annual report describes the activities and results achieved by the organisation in the past year. Below you will find the most recently published annual report.

Annual report 2023  (in Dutch)

Request previous (digital) versions

To request previous (digital) versions of the annual plan, annual accounts and annual report that have not been published here, please contact ZonMw via info@zonmw.nl.
We will introduce you to different focus areas in a range of articles, and you will find responses, interviews and a reflection from different perspectives and stakeholders.