ZonMw Connect

Representing ZonMw
ZonMw Connect represents ZonMw at information and careers days, with a number of staff members and plenty of enthusiasm. We also give workshops and presentations (on request) about working at ZonMw and our grants procedure.
ZonMw at information events and careers days
At information events and careers days, we provide information about our organisation, the field we work in, and how we work. We also explain the career opportunities offered at ZonMw, for both graduates and undergraduates. These include student assistant roles.
Workshops and presentations
During workshops and presentations we explain ZonMw’s grants procedure, giving details of the criteria each project proposal has to meet. Using an example, we explain the committee assessment procedure, and show what aspects a committee focuses on in an application. This can help ensure the success of a grant application. Besides information on the grants procedure, we also explain more about our organisation, and the roles of programme secretary and programme manager.
To invite representatives from ZonMw
simply mail connect@zonmw.nl.
If you would like to tailor the workshop or presentation to you personal requirements and/or goal, ask us about the options, and the ZonMw Connect team will help you devise an appropriate format and content.