Sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence

Sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence, both online and offline, are a painful and persistent social problem that can cause serious damage to an individual and their environment. The extent and seriousness of the problem have become clear in recent years. Events in sports, media, cultural sector, politics, healthcare sector, academia and student life show that it occurs everywhere in society. Sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence in the broadest sense of the word, are common in the public space, in organizations and in the personal sphere.
Aim and purposes
This NWA-programme aims to bundle existing knowledge and develop new knowledge about what effectively contributes to preventing (online and offline) sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence as much as possible. Resulting in an integrated approach with effective intervention and prevention strategies.
This knowledge is used to develop effective intervention and prevention strategies. These are aimed at doing justice to victims as much as possible, preventing sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence and combating recidivism by offenders. Attention must be paid to the way in which society is organised socially, institutionally, culturally and socially and how this encourages sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence. The programme therefore looks at the (formal and informal) institutional, societal, cultural, social and individual factors that play a role in the emergence and continuation of sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence across sectors and disciplines.
NWO’s Executive Board is the decision-making body within this NWA programme. The call procedure is being carried out by ZonMw.