Nursing and Care programme

The programme is designed to enhance the professionalism of nurses, carers and nursing specialists, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the profession and the quality of care.

About this programme

The objectives of this ZonMw programme are:

  • to enhance the evidence base for practice through knowledge development in partnerships involving education, research and practice
  • to improve the use of knowledge by encouraging its mainstreaming in practice, and through implementation research
  • to further develop and disseminate examples of best practice from the workplace

Programme elements

The objectives of the Nursing and Care programme are reflected in the 3 elements of the programme:

  1. Knowledge Development focuses on practically-oriented scientific research performed by partnerships involving researchers, education institutions and practitioners. Priorities are chosen in consultation with stakeholders, based on knowledge agendas, knowledge syntheses and results from an earlier programme entitled Tussen Weten en Doen II (‘From Knowledge to Action II’). This may also include practically-oriented activities such as leadership programmes, learning networks and measures to facilitate job sharing by nurses, researchers and/or educators. The first 2 calls for proposals were issued for this element of the programme in 2020, inviting proposals for ‘major research projects on essential care’ and ‘individual grants for nurses with doctorates’. More calls will be issued over the coming years.
  2. Knowledge Utilisation encourages the use of knowledge in practice, policy and education by means of implementation studies and targeted implementation activities. The first call for this element of the programme was issued in 2020, on the theme of ‘implementation of promising interventions in nursing and care’. More calls will be issued over the coming years.
  3. Finally, Best Practice encourages the dissemination and further development of examples of best practice developed in the workplace. The first projects, on the theme of ‘describing best practice’ began in 2020. More calls will be issued over the coming years.

Encouraging nursing leadership and professional autonomy are part of the programme.

Contribution to the further expansion of the research and knowledge infrastructure

The projects in this programme should help make the research and knowledge infrastructure for nursing and care more sustainable, resulting in the further professionalisation of nursing and care. Ultimately, the practically applicable knowledge produced in the projects should lead to better-quality care. When building a good research infrastructure, it is important to:

  • strengthen partnerships involving research universities, universities of applied science, secondary vocational colleges, clinical practice, knowledge centres, and patients and their organisations
  • make the research effort coherent by embedding it in regional, national and international structures
  • raise the academic standard and increase the size of research groups
  • provide the conditions necessary for performing scientific research
  • make efforts to ensure continuity in the funding of research
  • in the longer term, increase the number of research groups engaging in research for nursing and care

In the Nursing and Care programme we seek to achieve as many of these goals as possible.


Below is a list of the programme committee members. For each subsidy round, an assessment is made as to who will be part of the assessment committee

Ms J. (Janneke) van Vliet

Ms Y. (Yvonne) Heijnen-Kaales MBA


Ms A. (Alice) Bakker
Ms M. (Mariëlle) Blankestijn
Mr H.E.H. (Han) Dahlmans
Mr Prof. A. (Arie) Dijkstra
Ms F. (Fabienne) Dobbels
Ms J.W.M. (Annemarie) Klaassen
Ms J. (Jacomine) de Lange
Professor J.M.G.A. (Jos) Schols
Ms A. (Ariane) van Wamel


Vacant, V&VN
Ms C.A. (Camille) Heutink, Ministry of VWS


Ms D. (Denise) Temmink


In progress
€ 12.000.000
Duration: 50%
Duration: 50 %
Sequel to programme:


Denise Temmink

Senior Programme Manager
verplegingenverzorging [at]

Charlie Plane

verplegingenverzorging [at]

Janneke Wiersema

verplegingenverzorging [at]

Moniek Zijlstra-Vlasveld

verplegingenverzorging [at]

Debby Vijfvinkel

Senior clusterassistent
verplegingenverzorging [at]