Pre-announcement new grant call for research on human measurement models

Health research that is of high predictive value for humans is important. Human measurement models, utilizing data, tissues, and cells from humans, center around the human perspective. They allow research to become more predictable and applicable to patients. To stimulate the development of these human measurement models, the Samenwerkende Gezondheidsfondsen (SGF), ZonMw and Health~Holland (Top Sector Life Sciences & Health) plan to open a new call for subsidies at the beginning of May. The call will focus on further development of human measurement models.

Human Measurement Models Programme

SGF, Health~Holland, NWO-domein TTW and ZonMw have jointly set up the research programme ‘Human Measurement Models' (in Dutch). This programme contributes through public-private collaborations to more effective human health research that relies less on laboratory animal research. Two previous successful funding rounds resulted in the funding of 13 projects with a total of more than €9 million being made available to public-private partnership projects.

Grant call

The upcoming grant call Human Measurement Models: Next Steps in Model Development aims to further develop promising human measurement models. For this call, PPP funding is available. The PPP conditions therefore apply, including a mandatory co-financing requirement. 

Information meeting

In early June we will organize an information meeting for those interested in the grant call. During this meeting we will explain the grant call and the associated (PPP) conditions and we can answer any questions. 

More information

Keep an eye out on our website (in Dutch) and LinkedIn channel. More information will follow soon.

Source: SGF