New call for proposals open for the further development of human measurement models

To stimulate the development of human measurement models, the Association of Collaborating Health Foundations (SGF), Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) have opened a new call for proposals within the Human Measurement Models programme. This third call focuses on further development of promising human measurement models.
Human Measurement Models Programme
SGF, Health~Holland, NWO-domain AES and ZonMw have jointly set up the research programme Human Measurement Models. Through public-private collaborations, this programme contributes to more effective human health research that relies less on laboratory animal research. Two previous successful funding rounds resulted in the funding of 13 projects, with a total of more than 9 million euros being made available to public-private partnership projects.
Call for proposals
In this third call Human Measurement Models: Next Steps in Model Development, funding is made available by SGF, Health~Holland en ZonMw to stimulate further development of promising human measurement models. Herewith, the focus of the call is on research already in development with a Technology Readiness Level of 3-7. For this call, subsidy to stimulate Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) is made available. Therefore, specific PPP-conditions apply, including mandatory co-funding.
More information
- Would you like to know more about the call for proposals and how to apply? You will find all information on this page.
- On June 10 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm CE(S)T, we will organize an online information meeting for those interested in the call. The meeting can be joined via this link.