Grant call opened for Create2Solve 2023 Phase 1 (Proof of Concept)

ZonMw is making funding available with the Create2Solve programme, together with Stichting Proefdiervrij, for public-private partnerships to develop and/or implement animal-free innovations.

Starting point of Create2Solve

The starting point of Create2Solve is a number of predefined issues (challenges), in which one tries to replace the use of (laboratory) animals in biomedical research by the development or implementation of an animal-free innovation. In this round of Create2Solve, 5 challenges have been formulated, in which animal-free innovations could make an important contribution in replacing (laboratory) animals. Researchers from a Dutch research organisation together with industry can submit a solution for one of these challenges in the form of a research proposal.

These are the five challenges:

  1. Development of in vitro models for drug development for arthritis
  2. Development of human fit-for-purpose models for the testing of toxicity using metabolic parameters
  3. Measuring human allergy development in vitro
  4. In vitro development of high-affinity antibodies
  5. Development and standardisation of complex culture methods with animal-free reagents

This round proceeds in two phases:

  • Phase 1: This phase has now started. Until Tuesday 27 June 2023 (2pm), public-private consortia can submit a proof of concept project on one of the five Challenges. Several proof of concept projects can be honoured per Challenge. The honoured consortia will receive funding to collect data over a period of up to eight months in order to demonstrate plausibly that they will be able to provide a proof-of-concept solution to the chosen Challenge.
  • Phase 2: Participating consortia from Phase 1 submit a proposal for a follow-up project, in which the results obtained demonstrate that they will be able to build, develop or validate a prototype of the animal-free innovation in a follow-up period of two to five years, in order to provide a concrete solution to the challenge that is both scientifically and commercially interesting.

Who can apply?

The main applicant must be affiliated with a Dutch research institution and there must be close cooperation with a commercial party. A requirement is that this company has a permanent establishment or at least one subsidiary in the Netherlands. It is not permitted for an applicant to apply on more than one challenge.

What can be applied for?

For Phase 1, €100,000 per project is available and a total of six Proof-of-Concept projects can be funded. For Phase 2, €1,000,000 per follow-up project is available and a total of two projects can be honoured. These amounts do not include the mandatory In-Kind and/or In-Cash contribution for participating companies; this amounts to 10% of the amount the company itself applies for.


Do you have an idea for a project proposal? Check the grant call for more information on the aims and conditions of the call.

About the More Knowledge with Fewer Animals programme

ZonMw wants to contribute to high-quality and relevant, innovative (bio)medical research. We therefore encourage the development, acceptance and implementation of animal-free models. By doing this, we will achieve even more relevant research results for humans. With this, we strive to lessen the use of animal experiments wherever possible and wherever necessary. We seek to realise this by funding research into the development of animal-free models, connecting parties and encouraging the use of animal-free models in practice. We also seek to boost the more effective use of results from animal experiments by increasing the findability and reusability of such results. For further information, please see our website More Knowledge with Fewer Animals.