Knowledge of diversity in climate research

Climate change is making the weather in the Netherlands more extreme. This has a different impact on men and women, who differ both physically and in behaviour. Climate change also increases existing social and economic inequalities in many areas. Read how ZonMw increases knowledge and awareness on the theme of diversity and climate.

A pollen radar could improve quality of life for hay fever patients

Due to climate change, people with hay fever may experience more symptoms and the number of sufferers will increase. To start fighting hay fever symptoms in time, a pollen radar can come in handy. Such a 'pollen radar' is one of the tools that researcher Letty de Weger and her project partners want to develop to improve the quality of life of hay fever patients.


Research into sustainable hospital care

Hospital care has a major impact on the climate and environment. For example, the CO2 emissions of a heart operation are equivalent to flying 4,700 kilometres. Intensive care specialist Hugo Touw studies the environmental and climate impact of individual hospital care processes: "I am so concerned about the climate problem that I genuinely need to know how polluting a hospital treatment is." Read in this interview how we can really make healthcare more sustainable.

More older women than older men die during heatwaves

Women are more likely to suffer from extreme temperatures than men. This is because women are, on average, smaller than men and have less muscle mass. As a result, women produce less heat. Read how men and women differ in the regulation of body temperature in this interview with researcher Hein Daanen.