Applying for funding in 10 steps
Would you like to submit a grant application? In that case, you can follow the roadmap below. The specific criteria are described in the call for grant applications so please read it carefully.
How to apply for funding? The roadmap
- If you want to apply for funding, please check the list of ongoing calls for grant applications first.
- Some calls for grant applications work with a project idea stage. If so, this is mentioned in the call for grant applications. A project idea is a summary version of the project. Please keep the relevance criteria in mind when drawing up your project idea. If there is no project idea stage, please start with step 5.
- After you submit your project idea via the ‘Mijn ZonMw’ digital desk, ZonMw checks whether your project idea complies with the conditions and requirements set forth in the call for grant applications and whether it is complete.
- The independent programme committee assesses the project idea’s relevance as well as the project quality. Sometimes, experts by experience offer their opinion at this stage.
This step ends in a positive or negative advice on the elaboration of your grant application. - Be sure to read the call for grant applications carefully. At this point, you will write a full grant application and submit it via the ‘Mijn ZonMw’ digital desk. You must include the requested appendices, such as a project budget.
- After you submit your grant application, ZonMw checks whether it complies with the conditions and requirements set forth in the call for grant applications and whether it is complete.
- External experts, the evaluators (referenten in Dutch), determine the extent to which the grant application complies with the quality criteria in the call for grant applications. The evaluators who evaluate your application are experts and not involved in your application.
- As the submitting party, you are invited to respond to the evaluators’ opinion. This is called the right of reply. The programme committee will incorporate your response in their definitive decision.
- The programme committee issues a final opinion on quality and relevance. The committee then prioritises the grant applications up for approval.
- ZonMw makes a decision. You will receive a letter communicating the decision and the subsequent steps.
The 10 step plan: the infographic
The steps can also be found in this Dutch infographic.
Related documents
Depending on your role, there are specific points of attention for every procedure. Download the information for applicants, referees, committee members.