
What do we do in the area of vaccination?
Just like the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), we recognise the importance of vaccines and fund various national and international studies into the effectiveness of vaccinations. We also encourage the application of the results from these studies in practice. Important subjects in these studies include preventing negative health effects, the further development and improvement of available vaccines and communication about the various vaccinations. With this, we contribute to the control of infectious diseases such as whooping cough, measles, hepatitis A, influenza/flu and COVID-19.
Collaborating for an increasingly healthier society
Together with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Dutch Research Council (NWO), we ensure that the results of these studies reach researchers, commissioning bodies and professional practitioners. Ultimately, these research results contribute to the design of appropriate and effective vaccines for children, teenagers, adults, pregnant women, the elderly and travellers. This is how we contribute to the health of our society.
COVID-19 vaccination
A COVID-19 vaccination should work optimally to protect us against the consequences of a COVID-19 infection. Policymakers and healthcare professionals therefore need more information about the effect of these vaccines. We fund various studies into COVID-19 vaccinations, such as studies into the effects of COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with immune disorders, cancer or transplanted organs.
HPV vaccination
Human papillomavirus (HPV) can be vaccinated against. HPV is transmitted via sexual contact and can cause cervical cancer. As ZonMw, we want to prevent the spread of the virus by funding projects that can make a difference with applications such as the HPV-Keuzehulp (HPV Decision Aid). This decision aid has been developed to promote a positive attitude towards HPV vaccination among girls and their parents and, in doing so, increase the vaccination rate among girls.
Not words, but data!
If healthcare innovation is to be accelerated, then it is important that existing databases can be used to the fullest. We can achieve that with FAIR data. By making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) and through the use of the FAIR data principles, the quality of research projects will be improved, and it will become possible to scale up the knowledge cycle.
HPV and cervical cancer
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted...
COVID-19 vaccination for patients with a compromised immune system
People whose immune system is compromised run a higher risk of...