Prevention of stroke: healthy lifestyle and effective measures
A healthy lifestyle, with sufficient exercise, a healthy diet and no smoking, reduces the risk of stroke. The identification and treatment of risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and atrial fibrillation is also important. We fund research into the most effective preventive measures and help to disseminate the knowledge developed.
Sex- and gender-sensitive approach to stroke
There are differences between men and women when it comes to the risk of and treatment for stroke. Women generally have a higher risk of stroke than men, and treatment is often less effective in women. We are funding studies of these differences and advocate a sex- and gender-sensitive approach to prevention, treatment and after-care.
Treatment of stroke: new medications and treatments for better care
When treating a person for stroke, it is important to restore the blood supply to the brain as quickly as possible, to prevent further damage. This might involve administering medication or removing a blood clot. We fund research into treatments and technologies that might potentially enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Work is for example underway on the development of new medications and treatments with fewer side-effects. Studies are also exploring how these treatments can best be applied to different groups of patients, so that everyone receives the best care.
Effects of stroke and after-care: effective rehabilitation and support
After a stroke, the patient may be left with permanent effects such as paralysis and cognitive impairment. It is not always possible to communicate with the patient. In such cases, treatment policy is discussed with their relatives. It is important that they are included in the decision-making process.
After-care and rehabilitation are important to help patients recover and improve their quality of life after a stroke. Joint research into the best treatment methods and after-care allows different disciplines to contribute to an integrated approach to the care of these patients. We therefore promote collaboration between healthcare institutions, researchers and patient organisations. We also fund research into the most effective after-care and rehabilitation programmes, and encourage the application of the knowledge produced.