Regional Knowledge workshops for Misunderstood Behaviour

In a regional knowledge workshop for misunderstood behaviour, professionals from the social domain, care domain and safety domain work together with people with misunderstood behaviour and their loved ones and families.

What is a regional knowledge workshop for misunderstood behaviour?

A regional knowledge workshop for misunderstood behaviour brings together practice, policy, research and training, from a variety of domains. Together, all these parties tackle the regional issues, exchange knowledge and experiences and work towards solutions. The strength of a knowledge workshop lies in the continuous process of cooperation, learning and improvement, on a level footing. And the overall goal: to contribute to an inclusive society and a personalised approach for people with misunderstood behaviour.

The regional knowledge workshops are partners to practical organisations that deal with people with misunderstood behaviour. In addition, the knowledge and results generated are passed on to (future) professionals via training programmes.

Aim: A nationwide network of knowledge workshops for misunderstood behaviour

Our aim is to establish a nationwide network of knowledge workshops to live up to the ambitions of the Action Programme Grip op Onbegrip: further development of existing networks, and continuing to learn and improve, together.

Continuing to learn and improve, together

A collaborative venture is a place in which partners join forces to establish a dynamic learning and improvement process, and carry out activities. These are then tested in practice, evaluated and where necessary fine-tuned. In this way, the parties learn to better understand each other’s perspective, to learn from the situation and to work together on formulating solutions. Shared learning creates space for adaptation at various levels and enables change. The learning process is initiated by working in practice on regional issues: learning by doing.

Further development of existing networks

Among others in the Action Programme Confused Behaviour a whole range of collaborative ventures were established and/or developed in the Netherlands over the past few years, whose aim is to develop an approach for people with confused behaviour. By establishing these knowledge workshops, ZonMw aims to offer existing networks an opportunity to add a research component, to tackle projects in a cohesive approach and by providing long-term grants, to create the peace, the space and the regularity that are needed to ensure that these complex problems remain manageable, in the long term.

In what regions has a knowledge workshop for misunderstood behaviour already been started?

Look at our national map to see which regions have already started a knowledge workshop in Misunderstood Behaviour.

Landkaart met Regionale Kenniswerkplaatsen Onbegrepen Gedrag

This map is updated following each Grant Round.

