Off-Road: doing research off the beaten track

The programme focuses on developing an innovative idea into a proof of concept. This means that while the developed idea has a long-term character, the project, on the other hand, is focused on testing the hypothesis behind the concept/idea and developing it into a proof of concept.

No lengthy project proposals

At the initiative of ZonMw, the Off-Road programme started in 2015. No lengthy project proposals, CV or bibliography, but instead a short and concise sketch of the revolutionary idea and motivated reasons about why the research should be done. Within this programme, connection needs to be sought with other ZonMw programmes for which groundbreaking research could be of interest.

Groundbreaking discoveries

With this grant, we challenge young (bio)medical and healthcare researchers to realise new insights into and unexpected breakthroughs for medical and/or healthcare research. We expect several of these experimental studies to result in groundbreaking discoveries and accept that this will not be the case for some Off-Road projects ('High Risk- High Gain' projects).

The proposals have a high-risk profile and do not follow beaten research tracks. Project proposals must describe an unconventional research direction in the start-up phase. Out-of-the-box ideas weigh most in the assessment, more than the researcher's CV.

Programme-specific information

  • The programme is open to young researchers (2 to 6 years after PhD graduation).
  • The project has a duration of at least 12 and at most 18 months.
  • The maximum grant budget that can be applied for is €100,000.


Prof. Blanche Schroen

Dr Rik Ossenkoppele

Prof. Andre Dekker
Dr Saskia Haitjema
Dr Frances Handoko - De Man
Dr Magdalena Harakalova
Prof. Irene Heijink
Prof. Sven van IJzendoorn
Dr Karin Jongsma
Dr Ahmed Mahfouz
Dr Joost Martens
Prof. Natasha Maurits
Prof. Ingrid Meulenbelt
Dr Noel de Miranda 
Dr Janke Schinkel
Dr Mark Schuuring
Prof. Hans Spelbrink
Dr Ralph Stadhouders
Prof. Régine Steegers-Theunissen
Dr Betty Tijms
Dr Erik de Vries
Dr Rick Wansink


In progress
€ 1.000.000
Duration: 61%
Duration: 61 %


Hesham Alghiwi

Programme Manager
offroad [at]

Jacqueline Steenwinkel

Programme Assistant
offroad [at]

Eva Vlaar

Programme Manager
offroad [at]