
Dementia is an umbrella term for more than 50 diseases, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the best known. In the Netherlands, 1 in 5 people develop dementia and the average duration of the disease is 8 years. People with dementia will eventually become completely dependent on others. It is expected that the number of people with dementia will continue to increase in the coming years, which will also increase the burden on informal carers and healthcare costs.
Our programme has several goals. We want to improve the quality of life of people with dementia as well as the care and support provided to them. And we want to contribute to a less marked increase in the future number of people with dementia, to improved quality and cost control in the various sectors (care, welfare, housing, prevention, cure) and to the innovative power of businesses.
About this programme
Memorable is a research and innovation programme that is being carried out as part of the Dementia Delta Plan. It puts arrangements in place for one of the 3 objectives: research and development for people with dementia. Memorable is also the national implementation of the EU Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND).
The programme focuses on people currently living with dementia and on tomorrow’s patients. It addresses what can already be improved in terms of treatment, care and support, and how we can achieve new treatments and perhaps curb dementia in the future. The research covers the entire knowledge chain, from research on understanding the origin of dementia to using knowledge in practice. 4 themes have been defined for this programme:
- origin and mechanism of dementia
- diagnostics
- treatment and prevention
- effective care and support
Priorities have been identified for each theme. These priorities can be found in the Memorable Programme Document. In this phase of the programme we are monitoring the last ongoing projects. No new grants will be available under this programme.
The Memorable programme is now in a concluding phase. It has produced some great results. An external evaluation of the programme is being carried out by Bureau HHM. The evaluation will be posted on this page when it has been completed.
The Dementia Research Programme was started as a follow-up to the Memorable programme.
Below is a list of the programme committee members. For each subsidy round, an assessment is madeas to who will be part of the assessment comittee
Prof. dr. M. (Marianne) de Visser
Prof. dr. P. (Patrick) Cras
Dr. H.F.A. (Han) Diesfeldt
Dr. R.G.A. (Roelof) Ettema
Prof. dr. H.J. (Henk) Groenewegen
Drs. S. (Sabine) Lonterman-Monasch
Prof. dr. P.G.M. (Paul) Luiten
Prof. dr. J.W.M. (Jean) Muris
Prof dr. J. (Johan) Polder
Dr. K. (Kristel) Sleegers
Prof. dr. H. (Hester) Vermeulen
Prof. dr. M. (Menno) Witter
Experts by Experience
E. (Ellen) Bos
S. (Saskia) Danen-de Vries
B. (Ben) Hoetjes
M. (Marianne) Kwakkel
E. (Erna) van Lunteren
B. (Bernard) Prins
J.M. (Jacqueline) Hoogendam, VWS
A. (Alice) van Gent, VWS