Outcome-based healthcare

Uitkomstgerichte zorg: patiënt, naaste en zorgprofessional in gesprek en zorgprofessionals in gesprek (MDO)
We need insight into the outcomes of healthcare that are relevant to the patient, in order to offer the most appropriate care. We are therefore investing in research into outcome-based healthcare, with the goal of supporting joint decision-making, learning and improvements based on information about healthcare outcomes in daily practice.

Addressing knowledge questions

To what degree do professionals working in specialist medical care work with information on outcomes, and what are their ambitions in this regard? What are the required conditions, what lessons have been learnt, what works and what does not, and what can be regarded as best practice? To address these questions, we are funding practically-oriented research into the factors determining success and failure when working with information on outcomes and the practical application of the core set of generic PROMs. Read more about addressing questions associated with outcome-based healthcare on our Outcome-based Healthcare Knowledge Questions programme page.

Outcome-based organisation and payment

We need more insight into ways of organising and paying for outcome-based healthcare in order to facilitate and encourage working with outcome information. We are therefore funding research comparing and evaluating various initiatives, in order to identify suitable alternative forms of organisation and contracts. Read more about these studies on the Outcome-based Organisation and Payment programme page.

An outcome-based policy on quality

It is important that the principles of outcome-based healthcare, joint decision-making and learning and improvement become an integral part of all aspects of the quality cycle for professionals and providers of specialist medical care. We are therefore funding research to identify best practice for specific medical conditions. Read more about integrating outcome-based healthcare into the quality cycle on our Sustainable Outcome-based Healthcare page.

Joint decision-making based on outcomes

We need to know how to make outcome information accessible and tailored to patients in order to facilitate joint decision-making between patient and care provider. We are therefore funding research by the Santeon hospitals that are working on a suitable approach, and making lessons learnt available to other healthcare organisations. Read more about accessible tailored outcome information on our Outcome Indicators Experiment page.

Impact of COVID-19 on healthcare outcomes

The deferment, scaling down, substitution or avoidance of regular healthcare during the COVID pandemic has had many effects on healthcare outcomes for patients. We are therefore funding research to identify these impacts, and highlight which lessons learnt from this will be useful in the further improvement of healthcare. Read more about research on the impacts of COVID-19 on healthcare outcomes on the Outcome-based healthcare: Non-COVID-19 Knowledge Agenda programme page.

National programme on outcome-based healthcare

Our activities in the field of outcome-based healthcare tie in with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport’s national Outcome-based Healthcare Programme, in which all parties involved in specialist medical care, including health insurance companies, work together (either independently or through an umbrella organisation) to arrange care more effectively on the basis of outcomes that patients regard as important. Our efforts provide professionals and organisations with guidance as to how to adopt such an approach. For more information, see the Outcome-based Healthcare Knowledge Platform.




Paula du Pont

Programme Manager
kwaliteitvanzorg [at] zonmw.nl

Kees-Jan den Heijer

Senior Programme Manager
kwaliteitvanzorg [at] zonmw.nl

Simone Schellekens

Senior Programme Manager
kwaliteitvanzorg [at] zonmw.nl

Bobby Otto

Programme Secretary
kwaliteitvanzorg [at] zonmw.nl