Vici grants for research to the long-term effects of childhood cancer treatment to ethical AI and more

Research on topics ranging from ethical AI to the long-term effects of childhood cancer treatment. Thirty-five scientists from the Science (ENW), Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES), Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and Health Research and Development (ZonMw) domains will receive Vici grants worth up to 1.5 million euros. This will enable the laureates to develop an innovative line of research and set up their own research group for five years.

Vici is one of the largest scientific grants for individuals in the Netherlands and targets advanced researchers. The funding instrument enables researchers to pursue research of their own choice. This gives innovative research a boost and encourages the promotion of talent at scientific research institutes. Scientists carry out research on a variety of topics. These range from exploring the origins of black holes to measuring the health of our ecosystems.

Facts and figures

Vici grants are awarded annually by NWO. There were 337 preproposals and 110 full proposals. Of the 110 full proposals, 48 (44%) were submitted by women and 62 (56%) by men. Overall, 35 Vici grants were awarded; 20 to women and 15 to men. The award percentages for the Vici Round 2023 are thus 14% for women and 8% for men respectively.

NWO Talent Scheme

NWO’s Talent Scheme consists of the Vici, Veni and Vidi grants. The Vici grant targets senior researchers who have successfully demonstrated the ability to develop their own innovative lines of research. In doing so, they have also supervised young researchers. Researchers who receive a Vici grant have the opportunity to further develop their research group, often in anticipation of a tenured professorship, if they do not already have one. ZonMw runs the NWO Talent Scheme for the Health Research and Development domain.

Wondering what a Vici fellowship can bring? In 2018, Dr. Ir. Marnix Wagemaker (TU Delft) was awarded a Vici fellowship. He is researching sustainable alternatives to lithium batteries. Read more about the research here.