A successful approach to outsmarting cancer to be continued

Oncode Institute will continue for another 5 years, starting January 1, 2023. With over 110 patents filed, a wide range of unique collaborations between scientists, clinicians and industry partners, 9 oncology start-ups, 1.681 published papers and 16 studies in the clinical proof of concept phase, Oncode has proven over the past 5 years that its unique approach works.
Oncode Institute is a virtual fundamental cancer research institute
Oncode Institute is a virtual fundamental cancer research institute aiming to accelerate breakthrough discoveries and speed up their translation into new diagnostics and treatments for cancer patients.
Oncode researchers receive funding to conduct high-risk & high-gain research and receive support to advance their discoveries. KWF, the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, ZonMw and the ministries of EZK, VWS and OCW invest 92 million euros so Oncode can continue its mission to outsmart cancer and impact patients’ lives.
More information
Read more on the website of Oncode
Source: Oncode