Societal effects of COVID-19 examined

Effectiveness and impact of measures
Projects that are part of this theme will examine the effectiveness and impact of the measures taken and of the strategies in response to the coronavirus crisis. The projects range from research into the well-being and sustainable deployment of healthcare staff to research into the effect of the measures taken on the constitutional rights of vulnerable plaintiffs in particular, and their confidence in the justice system. Other examples are research into the lessons that we can learn from the measures taken by other European countries, and research into the preferences for introducing COVID-19 apps in the Netherlands.
Human resilience and society
Within this theme, the research mainly focuses on groups who during the coronavirus crisis have been disproportionately affected by the consequences of the measures taken in either the social or societal spheres. For example, research will be done into the educational disadvantage experienced by underprivileged (primary school) pupils and also new vulnerable groups that have arisen (such as sole proprietors and people with a temporary job, including many young people). Furthermore, the mental and physical long-term effects on former COVID-19 patients and healthcare employees will be investigated.
Consequences and solutions for the economy
Research into the economic resilience focuses on the effect of the crisis on various sectors of the economy, the labour market and support measures. For example, one study focuses on strengthening the regional economic structure with the aim of increasing the national economic resilience in the long term. In addition, research will be done into to what extent and in what way sectors in regions are affected by the corona crisis and what explains the differences in resilience and agility of regions.
COVID-19 Programme
More information about the projects will soon be available on the ZonMw website. These research projects are starting in the context of a large action and research programme concerning the new coronavirus that ZonMw set up in collaboration with NWO in May. Research projects into the diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the coronavirus began last month. In addition, more than 50 collaborations have been established within this programme between research institutions and civil society organisations.
More information
- Read more about research into the effects of COVID-19 on Dutch society (only available in Dutch)
- For more information about the COVID-19 Programme, please follow this link for information in Dutch or this link for information in English
- Visit the page of all current and completed research project about COVID-19 (only available in Dutch)