Implementation Network Sport and Exercise

Did you know that effective interventions exist to help people exercise more but that it is still very difficult to ensure that these are actually used (in the right manner)? To change this, the Implementation Network Sport and Exercise was initiated in 2021. It is made up of 16 researchers from a wide range of knowledge institutions throughout the Netherlands.

Why do we need an implementation network?

The aim of Implementation Network Sport and Exercise is to train researchers to become implementation experts. Based on a case, the participants in the network gain practical experience. With this, they can ensure a better implementation of their sport and exercise intervention, and realise more impact in practice. In the national network and within their own knowledge institution, they can share knowledge and experiences and, in their turn, disseminate these further. The goal is that this learning network will develop into a sustainable, embedded implementation network in the area of sport and exercise.

Who are the people in the network?

By doing implementation research, we are becoming increasingly better at finding out what is needed to actually implement in practice all of the knowledge we have or that we gain.
Thanks to the implementation network I am learning far more about implementation. And I also learn an awful lot from other particpants' implementation experiences.

Would you also like to get involved in implementation?

Achieving impact through the use of effective sport and exercise interventions requires a structured approach towards implementation. Answers to the question of what contributes to successful implementation come from research and everyday practice. The knowledge platform of the Knowledge Centre Sport and Exercise pools all this knowledge and information.

Implementation is also about navigating. And that skill is harder to transfer than knowledge because it is more of an art than a science. It requires contextual sensitivity, flexibility and adaptive management.
Stef Cremers

To stay informed


Jarno Hilhorst

Senior programme manager
sportenbewegen [at]