Effects of COVID-19 measures: what have we learned?

Since 2020, ZonMw has funded many projects related to COVID-19. Most of these projects concern research into the effects of the measures taken. In many sub-programmes of the COVID-19 programme and the Follow-up programme COVID-19, research has been done into the effects (and sometimes effectiveness) of the measures. Furthermore, there is a specific addendum for this subject.
Addendum “Effectiveness of measures during a pandemic”
In March 2023, an addendum was published with the Follow-up programme COVID-19, entitled “Effectiveness of measures during a pandemic”.
The aim of this addendum is to increase insight into, and knowledge about, the effects and effectiveness of measures that can be taken during a pandemic, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Secondary objectives are:
- To provide more insight into the epidemiological effects of measures of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands, namely the spread of the virus (number of people infected), the numbers and severity of the disease (morbidity) and mortality, up to 4 years after the start of the pandemic.
- Sustainable monitoring of the short-term effects
- Describing completed and current research with respect to the effects of measures taken in the Netherlands and itemising the needed/missing knowledge with respect to this.
Ultimately, this addendum will contribute to well-considered / thorough decision-making for the taking of measures during a pandemic and realising a crisis plan.
You can find the addendum below (in Dutch).
Types of measures
Projects investigating the effects of government measures taken during the current pandemic, which were aimed at preventing the infection and spread of SARS-CoV-2 or at reducing (mitigating) the negative effects (for example, financial compensation). This concerns, amongst other things, rules about keeping distance, isolation, quarantine, closures of sectors (schools, shops, the catering and cultural sector, events), the mandatory wearing of face-nose masks, curfews, test policy, source and contact tracing, ventilation or measures taken at healthcare institutions.
Types of effects
Effects of measures can broadly be divided into two categories: epidemiological effects, and social and societal effects. Social and societal effects can occur in different sectors, including the healthcare sector, which is, of course, important to ZonMw.
Epidemiological effects
Epidemiological effects focus on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the number of infected people, the severity of the disease COVID-19 and mortality.
Social and societal effects
Social and societal effects concern the broader impact on society. These are established by examining the economic consequences and social aspects, such as mental well-being, loneliness, isolation and possible educational disadvantages. These effects can vary and affect different sectors in our society.
Effects in the healthcare sector
In the healthcare sector, measures can have an effect on, for instance, the organisation of care, quality of care, impact on healthcare personnel and the possible deferment of care. By carefully investigating and understanding these different effects, we can take well-considered decisions that will promote the health and well-being of Dutch citizens in the long term.
Reducing the impact: what is mitigation?
Mitigation refers to ways in which to reduce or limit the negative effects of measures. Studies into this concern, for example, practical solutions such as improving digital education, providing online consultations (e-health) and analysing the effects of financial reimbursements made by the government.
Research projects into the effects of measures are, for example, described on the following theme pages:
- Focus area prevention and care, including vulnerable groups
- Focus area societal dynamics
- Infection and spread
- Excess mortality
- Organisation of care
- Impact of deferred care
- Strengthening the mental vitality of working people
- Mitigation projects such as the community engagement programme
A complete list of projects about the effects of measures is being developed and will be made available in February 2024.