Building on effectiveness research

results and lessons learned from research into core elements of youth interventions
In the consortia Effectiveness of Psychosocial Interventions Youth, researchers and youth care organisations are exploring new possibilities for seven larger substantive themes related to growing up and parenting. The research provides knowledge about which (aspects of) interventions can best be used when, for who and by which persons.

The consortia Effectiveness of Psychosocial Interventions Youth

The key elements of interventions with proven effectiveness are the starting point for these interventions. Through innovative impact studies, the consortia provide answers to questions such as: What actually makes an intervention effective? Are there effective factors that can be found in all interventions? How can the care provider exert an influence on the impact? And: which interventions or aspects of these are cost-effective? Realising impact studies in an appropriate form is a challenge. Each consortium takes a different approach, but they work together to ensure that their approaches are well aligned with each other. The research from the consortia must improve the interventions and enable professionals and municipalities to choose an effective approach. The outcomes will make it possible to improve the effectiveness of professional practice and provide better help to children and families.


Externalising Behavioural Problems

Which approach works among children and young people with behavioural problems that cause a lot of nuisance for themselves and their environment? Care providers can use the results to help young people far more effectively.


More effective psychosocial treatments for children with ADHD or hyperactive behaviour, their parents and teachers, is what the consortium PAINT (Psychosocial ADHD interventions) wanted to realise with its studies. The results obtained provide many possibilities to improve the existing care, says project leader Prof. Barbara van den Hoofdakker.
Jongen met moeder en hulpverlener

Parenting Interventions

The research of the Consortium Integration Knowledge Promotion Effectiveness of Parenting Interventions (CIKEO) has provided more insight into the concerns of parents about parenting and the effective elements of parenting programmes. This knowledge makes it possible to provide more demand-driven support for parents and better advice to municipalities.

Social skills

Psycho-education, a cognitive approach and targeted practice proved to be effective elements in programmes aimed at improving young people’s social skills and resilience. The training setting and number of meetings are also important in this regard. Studies from the consortium Social skills have made this clear.

Multiproblem families

Eight frequently used interventions for families with many problems and children who are severely difficult to parent exhibit a lot of overlap and are more or less equal in terms of effectiveness. That has become apparent from research carried out by the consortium Multiproblem families and severe parenting problems. Consortium leader Danielle Jansen recommends improving and refining the existing provision of interventions.

Anxiety and Depression

Programmes with cognitive behavioural therapy are effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in young people. But that is only the case if therapists do apply the effective elements in those interventions. That does not happen often enough yet, says Professor of Clinical Psychology Maaike Nauta, project leader of the Consortium Anxiety and Depression in Young People.

Child Abuse

The consortium Early Prevention of Child Abuse aims to improve the early prevention of child abuse. The studies focus on both the improved guiding of families towards appropriate interventions and the greater effectiveness of those interventions.
Leer te durven

Online conference

On the 26th of November ZonMw (The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development) organized, together with seven research consortia, an international conference presenting the lessons learned from research on core elements of evidence-based programs for children and youth.