Who can apply
Patient participation
In its projects, ZonMw strives to involve stakeholders, including the final target group or end user who has the ‘experiential expertise’. By ‘involve’ we mean that stakeholders are consulted with, advice is obtained from them, collaboration with them takes place and/or an equal right is accorded to them to participate in the (joint) project decision-making process.
ME/CFS cohorts
This funding round will only consider proposals for cohort studies. These cohorts must contribute to the uniform registration of a group of Dutch ME/CFS patients and the biological materials taken from them in a national ME/CFS patient register and biobank.
Who can apply for funding?
The main applicant submits the proposal on behalf of the consortium and is the point of contact for ZonMw. The main applicant receives the grant and is, on behalf of the consortium, responsible for the scientific coherency, results, funding of the collaboration partners as well as the financial accountability. The main applicant is a legal entity under public or private law and is located in the Netherlands.
The total available grant budget for this funding round is €11.600.000,-. The aim is to use this to fund 2 to 4 consortia including the subprojects. For the substudy proposals, a reference amount of €500.000 per substudy applies with a duration of 4 years.
What for
The aim of this call for proposals is the creation of research consortia that carry out long-term research into the multisystem disease myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Within these consortia, transdisciplinary research will be carried out via various substudies into the cause, diagnosis and/or treatment of ME/CFS.
Within this call, funding can be requested for both the setting up of the consortium and the realisation of the substudies that the consortium will carry out during the next four years. The data and biological materials that will be collected in the studies must come together in a Dutch ME/CFS patient register and biobank.
What to request
In this round, two types of proposals must be submitted that will be considered separately but within the same call:
- A proposal for a consortium (period of (at least) 8 years). In this call, a consortium is understood to mean a sustainable collaboration between different institutions and organisations. The following types of collaboration must be represented in the consortium:
A. Collaboration between research disciplines.
B. International collaboration.
C. Collaboration between professional groups.
D. Collaboration with patients. - Substudy proposals The substudies will be realised in the consortium awarded funding and, in terms of content, follow the research lines described as having high potential in the ZonMw research agenda ME/CFS. More particularly, this concerns:
A. Fundamental research.
B. Epidemiological research.
C. Clinical research.
The deadline for the submission of full proposals is 21 April 2022 at 14:00 hours.
Pay attention:
'MijnZonMw' is a new online submission system of ZonMw. We strongly recommend that you start your application early, at least one week before the deadline. If you have any questions or problems, please contact ZonMw as soon as possible via the service desk: servicedesk@zonmw.nl.
If you have not worked with MijnZonMw before, you need to create an account. This also applies if you had previously created a ProjectNet account.
Downloads and links
Would you like to submit? The full subsidy call can be downloaded as a PDF. This contains all specific information about this call.
Call Consortia Cohort Research ME/CFS
Key considerations in writing your proposal:
- Before you start writing, you should read the programme text Research programme ME/CFS and the research agenda ME/CFS so that you can thoroughly integrate the frameworks of the programme in your proposal.
- In this round, two types of proposals must be submitted that are entered separately in the online submission system of ZonMw (‘Mijn ZonMw’):
A proposal for the consortium in which the following elements are described: A. the collaboration within the consortium, B. the design of the ME/CFS cohort, C. internationalisation, D. valorisation, application and impact, E. short description of the substudies (max. ¼ A4 per substudy);
- At least 1 proposal for a substudy. Clearly state which consortium proposal this substudy belongs to.
- Please write your proposal in English, as foreign referees will assess your proposal.
- On the ZonMw webpage conditions and funding you can read which conditions your proposal must satisfy.
- If your proposal has previously been submitted elsewhere as a proposal, then you are requested to submit the previous proposal and (if it was rejected) any possible comments from referees as an annex. This does not mean that you do not have to fully complete the application via ‘Mijn ZonMw’. Neither does it mean that your proposal does not need to be complete and clear without the optional annexes.
- An interview can be part of the selection procedure for your proposal. A sound recording of the interview will be made. After the assessment procedure, the sound recording will be destroyed.
- The main applicant must submit the following mandatory annex/annexes:
- For a consortium proposal a Letter of Commitment from the partner concerned must be provided for each collaboration described in the proposal.
- For both the consortium proposal and the proposal for the substudy/substudies a budget should be added.
- A maximum of 2 pages of A4 in supporting figures and tables (not mandatory).
- Opening date:
- 16 December 2021
- Part of programme: