ZonMw joins GLoPID-R for infectious diseases
ZonMw and international research
ZonMw funds health research in the Netherlands and promotes the practical application of the knowledge this research produces. While mainly focused on research projects within the country, it also has an international focus through its participation in various European initiatives, including Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs), ERA-NETs, and European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). ZonMw also participates in Heads of International Research Organisations (HIROs) to discuss large, international health care themes.
Antibiotic resistance
ZonMw runs separate programmes for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and other aspects of infectious diseases. For these programs the aim is to cover the entire spectrum of research from science to policy and through a One Health approach. ZonMw currently runs a national research program on antibacterial resistance (ABR) and is partner in the Strategic Research Agenda of the JPI on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR), also a partner of GloPID-R. In the national programme, ZonMw finances many projects studying ABR such as alternative ways to reduce antibiotic use in animals and human-animal ABR transmission.
Infectious diseases
ZonMw also runs a national programma on infectious disease control, including non-alimentary zoonoses. Emerging infectious disease research is part of this programme. The programme funds currently around 40 large research projects, including projects on HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis C, STIs, pneumonia, vaccine preventable diseases, infection control, arbovirusses, Lyme disease, campylobacter, rabies, Zika, tick-borne diseases, psittacosis and clostridium difficile. By joining GLoPID-R ZonMw intends to expand its international collaboration on emerging infectious diseases.
Data sharing
Despite being a new member, ZonMw jumped into the network and has already participated in the GloPID-R Data Sharing working group. GloPID-R appreciates their participation and looks forward to learning more from their expertise.
More information
- about infectious diseases and resistant bacteria
- about FAIR data and data management
- about GLoPID-R