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Discontinuation of preventive cardiovascular medication in older community-dwelling patients: current practice and patient preferences


Veel ouderen gebruiken bloeddrukverlagers, cholesterolverlagers en antistollingsmedicatie om hart- en vaatziekten te voorkomen. Zij en hun huisarts vragen zich soms af of deze medicatie nog voldoende voordeel oplevert én of het gebruik opweegt tegen de nadelen.


Inzicht krijgen in de omstandigheden die leiden tot stoppen van preventieve cardiovasculaire medicatie, de effecten van stoppen, en de verwachtingen en voorkeuren van ouderen met betrekking tot het medicatiegebruik.


We richten ons op 70-plussers, met speciale aandacht voor 85-plussers en kwetsbare ouderen. Wij onderzoeken het stoppen van het medicatiegebruik met patiëntgegevens van ruim 30 huisartsenpraktijken. Ook zullen wij ouderen interviewen en een grootschalig vragenlijstonderzoek verrichten.


De opgedane kennis ondersteunt ouderen en hun huisartsen bij het besluit door te gaan of te stoppen met preventieve cardiovasculaire medicatie. Het project legt de basis voor een te ontwikkelen keuzehulp.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

BACKGROUND General practitioners (GPs) are commonly confronted with the dilemma of preventive cardiovascular medication (PCVM) use in older patients. More than 60% of Dutch citizens aged 70 years and older uses one or more PCVM to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, such as myocardial infarctions and cerebrovascular accidents. However, the use of PCVM in older patients, especially the frail and oldest old, is questionable, since the benefit-harm balance becomes more unfavourable with age. Older patients are vulnerable for serious adverse events of PCVM use and related polypharmacy. The recently updated Dutch multidisciplinary guideline Cardiovascular Risk Management may offer support in the decision to discontinue PCVM in older, frail patients. A limited life expectancy and presence of potential side effects are considered valid reasons. Nevertheless, general practitioners have reported a number of barriers to discontinuation of PCVM. These barriers include (1) uncertainty about the successfulness of PCVM discontinuation in the short run, (2) uncertainty about the exact benefits and harms of PCVM in older patients, and hence the effects of discontinuation, and (3) the lack of information about patient expectations and preferences. AIM The aim of this project is to investigate the current practice of PCVM discontinuation in older community-dwelling patients, in particular its successfulness in the short run and the effects on the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Additionally, we will study patient preferences regarding PCVM discontinuation. We will investigate these issues in patients aged 70 years and older, and the subgroups of frail elderly and the oldest old (85 years and older). METHODS Our project will consist of two main parts. The first part consists of two related retrospective cohort studies with primary care data routinely collected from 2013 onwards. In one study, we will investigate the proportion of successful PCVM discontinuation and reasons for restarting PCVM within six months. Next, we will investigate the effects of PCVM discontinuation on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The second part of our project consists of two consecutive studies on patient preferences regarding PCVM discontinuation. In an interview study, we will explore older patients’ cognitions and values regarding PCVM discontinuation and their preferences for support in decision making. The knowledge acquired will be used in a large-scale survey to obtain quantitative data on patient preferences. We are specifically interested in patient preferences about the minimum health gain and maximum risk of side effects of PCVM that patients consider acceptable. OUTCOMES The insights gained about the successfulness and effects of PCVM discontinuation in older patients in general practice and related patient preferences will reduce uncertainty about the desirability of PCVM discontinuation. This will empower GPs and patients in the process of shared decision making about PCVM discontinuation.


Looptijd: 61%
Looptijd: 61 %
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
dr. H.J. Luijendijk MD PhD
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen

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