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Development of a minimal intervention strategy (MIS) for de-implementing longlasting opioid use in primary care


De ontwikkeling van een Minimale Interventie Strategie (MIS) voor het terugdringen van kort– en langdurig opioïde gebruik in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg

Opioïden worden veel voorgeschreven en gebruikt als pijnstiller bij patiënten met chronische klachten van het bewegingsapparaat.  Er is echter twijfel over de effectiviteit en veiligheid van opioïden voor dit indicatiegebied. Met name in Amerika maar inmiddels ook in Nederland zijn er problemen vanwege overdosering, verslaving, bijwerkingen en oversterfte.


In deze studie wordt een interventie ontwikkeld en getest voor huisartsen gericht op het stoppen of verminderen van kort- en langdurig opioïde gebruik door patiënten met chronische klachten van het bewegingsapparaat.


De ontwikkeling vindt plaats met behulp van gegevens over het huidige opioïde gebruik, literatuuronderzoek naar effectieve interventies, en de kennis en ervaring van patiënten, huisartsen en andere relevante medisch specialisten. Hierbij maken we gebruik van focusgroepen.
Eén interventie richt zich op kortdurend en de andere interventie richt zich op langdurig opioïde gebruik. Beide interventies worden vervolgens op haalbaarheid en initieel effect getest in 2 prospectieve studies, beide in 10 huisartspraktijken met elk 50 deelnemende patiënten.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

The WHO analgesic ladder was initially meant for cancer patients and for end of life pain, but subsequently opened the door for prescription of opioids for patients with chronic non-malignant musculoskeletal pain. For patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, however, opioids may not be an effective and safe option. This has led to overuse of opioids and adverse outcomes without satisfactory outcomes in the USA, but also in Europe. Although medical doctors in the Netherlands are more reluctant to easily prescribe opioids, a sharp increase in the number of prescriptions was seen in recent years. Recent figures from Dutch health insurers indicate that the number of opioid users in the Netherlands has increased to > 1 million in 2017. Approximately 21% of these patients (more than 200,000) are labeled as long term opioid users (> 4 months per year). General practitioners indicate that in every practice there are a number of patients who use long-term opioids where it is unknown how satisfied patients are with this usage and there is hardly any evaluation of effectiveness. At present there is no intervention available focused on de-implementing long lasting opioid use in primary care. The overall aim of this project is to develop and test an intervention to de-implement long lasting opioid use in patients in primary care. The specific aims are: 1. To investigate the characteristics (clinical and demographic) of patients using long-term opioids in primary care in the Netherlands. 2. To obtain up to date information regarding the effect of de-implementation interventions focused on stopping or reducing opioids in short- and long term opioid users with musculoskeletal pain. 3. To investigate the perspective of patients using opioids short - and long term regarding stopping their use. 4. To investigate the perspective of general practitioners regarding stopping or reducing using opioids 5. To develop a minimal intervention strategy (MIS) for general practitioners for stopping or reducing using opioids in (A) short term and (B) long term users. 6. To evaluate the feasibility and initial effects of the MIS for short- and long term opioid users in primary care. The project consists of several interrelated sub-projects: 1 - descriptive study of longterm opioid users in primary care within the IPCI-database 2 - literature study - overview of the efficacy of de-implementation interventions in short and long term opioid users 3 - focus group studies among short- and long term opioid-users; we aim at 3 focus group of 7 patients. 4 - focus group study among general practitioners; we aim at 2 focus groups of 7 general practitioners. 5 - development of a minimal intervention strategy for general practitioners - based on the results of 1-4, the previous MIS on benzodiazepine + interviews with (other) experts; MIS (A) will focus on short term opioid users and MIS (B) will focus on long term opioid users 6 - testing the feasiblity and initial effect of the MIS (A and B) in primary care (in two separate prospective studies, each in 10 general practices, 50 patients)


Looptijd: 65%
Looptijd: 65 %
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
dr. A Chiarotto
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Erasmus Medisch Centrum

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