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Spatial and temporal gene expression patterns in the microenvironment promoting hematopoietic stem cell generation in vivo


Bloedcellen zijn van levensbelang; ze transporteren zuurstof, bestrijden infecties en stoppen bloedingen in het lichaam. Bloedstamcellen (BSCs) zijn verantwoordelijk voor de productie van bloedcellen gedurende het hele leven. Sinds 50 jaar wordt BSC-transplantatie gebruikt voor patiënten met bloed-gerelateerde ziekten zoals leukemie. Ieder jaar worden er wereldwijd meer dan 50.000 transplantaties uitgevoerd. Echter, er is een groot tekort aan donoren. Een manier om dit probleem op te lossen zou het kweken van BSCs in het laboratorium zijn. Om dit succesvol te doen is het absoluut noodzakelijk om de factoren en signalen te begrijpen die een cel instrueren om een BSC te worden. Met een krachtige moleculaire benadering zullen de onderzoekers deze factoren en signalen opsporen op de plek waar BSCs gegenereerd worden tijdens de embryonale fase. Dezelfde factoren en signalen worden in het laboratorium nagebootst om nieuwe BSCs te maken voor patiënten die transplantatie nodig hebben.


Titel: Single-cell transcriptomics reveal the dynamic of haematopoietic stem cell production in the aorta
Auteur: Chloé S. Baron, Lennart Kester, Anna Klaus, Jean-Charles Boisset, Roshana Thambyrajah, Laurent Yvernogeau, Valérie Kouskoff, Georges Lacaud, Alexander van Oudenaarden & Catherine Robin
Magazine: Nature Communications
Titel: Embryonic Microglia Derive from Primitive Macrophages and Are Replaced by cmyb-Dependent De?nitive Microglia in Zebra?sh
Auteur: Giuliano Ferrero, Christopher B. Mahony, Eléonore Dupuis, Laurent Yvernogeau, Elodie Di Ruggiero, Magali Miserocchi, Marianne Caron, Catherine Robin, David Traver, Julien Y. Bertrand, and Valérie Wittamer
Magazine: Cell Reports
Titel: In vivo generation of haematopoietic stem/ progenitor cells from bone marrow-derived haemogenic endothelium
Auteur: Laurent Yvernogeau, Rodolphe Gautier, Laurence Petit, Hanane Khoury, Frédéric Relaix, Vanessa Ribes, Helen Sang, Pierre Charbord, Michèle Souyri, Catherine Robin and Thierry Jaffredo
Magazine: Nature Cell Biology
Titel: Endothelial struts enable the generation of large lumenized blood vessels de novo
Auteur: Bart Weijts, Iftach Shaked, Mark Ginsberg, David Kleinfeld, Catherine Robin and David Traver
Magazine: Nature Cell Biology
Titel: Embryonic hematopoiesis under microscopic observation
Auteur: Anna Klaus and Catherine Robin
Magazine: Developmental Biology
Titel: Multispecies RNA tomography reveals regulators of hematopoietic stem cell birth in the embryonic aorta
Auteur: Laurent Yvernogeau, Anna Klaus, Joris Maas, Ismael Morin-Poulard, Bart Weijts, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Eugene Berezikov, Jan Philipp Junker, and Catherine Robin
Magazine: Blood
Titel: Restricted intra-embryonic origin of bona fide hematopoietic stem cells in the chicken
Auteur: Laurent Yvernogeau and Catherine Robin
Magazine: Development


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Every day, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) produce billions of new blood cells essential for life. Defects in HSCs lead to blood-related disorders and various cancers (e.g. anemia, leukemia). The transplantation of healthy donor HSCs to replace the patient defective ones is an important part of the treatment. Less than 30% of the patients have matched donors in their family. Therefore successful transplantation in most patients relies on finding unrelated volunteer donors with the highest compatibility (the chance of an optimal match being very low). Since the number of transplantations increases every year, the availability of HSCs has become a major hurdle. To circumvent this shortage, huge efforts have been made to expand donor HSCs ex vivo or to generate new sources of HSCs in vitro (e.g. from pluripotent stem cells or somatic cells). Success has been limited so far mainly because the extrinsic events promoting HSC production in vivo remain largely unknown, and therefore difficult to reproduce in vitro. HSCs are initially generated during embryonic development. Others and we have proven that HSCs are first produced in the aorta from specialized endothelial precursors. Identifying the regulatory factors produced by the aortic microenvironment, which constitutes the physiological niche for HSC generation, would certainly help to design optimal in vitro HSC culture conditions in the future. The genome-wide RNA tomography technique (tomo-seq) was recently developed by the van Oudenaarden lab to combine RNA-Sequencing data and spatial information. Notably, it was used to generate a high-resolution genome-wide 3D atlas of gene expression in the whole zebrafish embryo. The originality of our approach will be to use the tomo-seq technique to accurately determine spatial gene expression patterns in restricted regions of the aorta of mouse and chicken embryos (and human embryos when available) isolated at different developmental stages. It will allow to infer the spatio-temporal dynamics of gene expression and to identify key genes responsible for HSC generation in the embryo. The advantage of using embryos is that the timing and location of HSC production within the aorta are precisely known. Moreover, the tomo-seq data obtained from different species will be compared to find conserved candidate genes and pathways (and therefore most likely relevant for humans). Our approach will have the unique advantage to provide a global view of the gene expression patterns in the whole microenvironment (as it is organized in vivo around the aorta). We will further test the inhibition/activation potential of selected and validated candidate genes on HSC generation, both in vitro and in vivo. I anticipate that our study will significantly advance our knowledge of the complex network of factors and pathways involved in the microenvironment supporting HSC production in vivo. It should prove useful in the future for engineering appropriate in vitro culture conditions to produce autologous HSC grafts needed to treat inherited and acquired blood disorders.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Dr. C.I. Robin
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Hubrecht Institute