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Motor proteins in spindle assembly: targets for cancer therapy?



Titel: Function and regulation of dynein in mitotic chromosome segregation.
Auteur: Raaijmakers JA, Medema RH.
Magazine: Chromosoma
Titel: Astral microtubules control redistribution of dynein at the cell cortex to facilitate spindle positioning.
Auteur: Tame MA, Raaijmakers JA, van den Broek B, Lindqvist A, Jalink K, Medema RH.
Magazine: Cell Cycle
Titel: Bicaudal D2, dynein, and kinesin-1 associate with nuclear pore complexes and regulate centrosome and nuclear positioning during mitotic entry.
Auteur: Splinter D, Tanenbaum ME, Lindqvist A, Jaarsma D, Flotho A, Yu KL, Grigoriev I, Engelsma D, Haasdijk ED, Keijzer N, Demmers J, Fornerod M, Melchior F, Hoogenraad CC, Medema RH, Akhmanova A.
Magazine: PLoS Biology
Titel: Regulation of localization and activity of the microtubule depolymerase MCAK.
Auteur: Tanenbaum ME, Medema RH, Akhmanova A
Magazine: Bioarchitecture
Titel: Wee1 controls genomic stability during replication by regulating the Mus81-Eme1 endonuclease.
Auteur: Domínguez-Kelly R, Martín Y, Koundrioukoff S, Tanenbaum ME, Smits VA, Medema RH, Debatisse M, Freire R.
Magazine: Journal of Cell Biology
Titel: Dynein at the nuclear envelope.
Auteur: Tanenbaum ME, Akhmanova A, Medema RH.
Magazine: EMBO Reports
Titel: Nuclear envelope-associated dynein drives prophase centrosome separation and enables Eg5-independent bipolar spindle formation
Auteur: Raaijmakers, JA van Heesbeen, RG Meaders, JL Geers, EF Fernandez-Garcia, B Medema, RH Tanenbaum, ME
Magazine: EMBO Journal
Titel: Balanced activity of three mitotic motors is required for bipolar spindle assembly and chromosome segregation.
Auteur: van Heesbeen RG, Tanenbaum ME, Medema RH.
Magazine: Cell Reports
Titel: Switching Polo-like kinase-1 on and off in time and space
Auteur: Bruinsma, W Raaijmakers, JA Medema, RH
Magazine: Trends in Biochemical sciences
Titel: A growing role for Aurora A in chromosome instability.
Auteur: Maia AR, van Heesbeen RG, Medema RH.
Magazine: Nature Cell Biology
Titel: Localized Aurora B activity spatially controls non-kinetochore microtubules during spindle assembly.
Auteur: Tanenbaum ME, Medema RH.
Magazine: Chromosoma
Titel: A complex of Kif18b and MCAK promotes microtubule depolymerization and is negatively regulated by Aurora kinases.
Auteur: Tanenbaum ME, Macurek L, van der Vaart B, Galli M, Akhmanova A, Medema RH
Magazine: Current Biology
Titel: Mechanisms of centrosome separation and bipolar spindle assembly.
Auteur: Tanenbaum ME, Medema RH.
Magazine: Developmental Cell



Motoreiwitten produceren kracht in de cel, en zijn nauw betrokken bij de scheiding van de chromosomen tijdens de celdeling. Het doel van dit project is om de bijdrage van verschillende motoreiwitten tijdens dit proces te achterhalen. Hierin staat de wisselwerking tussen de verschillende motoreiwitten, en de krachten die zij produceren centraal. We zullen hiervoor onderzoeken hoe de lokalisatie en activiteit van specifieke motoreiwitten gedurende de celdeling wordt gereguleerd. Daarnaast willen we mogelijke toepassing van remmers van specifieke motoreiwitten als anti-kanker geneesmiddelen nader onderzoeken.
De belangrijkste doelen van dit project zijn:
1) Ophelderen van de exacte functie van twee recent geïdentificeerde motoreiwitten.
2) Wisselwerking tussen verschillende motoreiwitten onderzoeken.
3) Inzicht verwerven in de regulatie van lokalisatie en activiteit van motoren gedurende de celdeling.
4) Remmers van motoreiwitten te valideren als mogelijke anti-kanker middelen.
Voor elk onderwerp is een deelproject gestart, elk met een eigen discreet beoogd eindpunt. Door deze gecombineerde aanpak zou het mogelijk moeten zijn om in dit project een compleet beeld te vergaren van de rol van de diverse motoreiwitten in de celdeling, en hun geschiktheid als targets in antikanker therapieën.

Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Proper chromosome segregation requires the formation of a bipolar mitotic spindle. Although bipolar spindle formation and chromosome segregation occur with very high fidelity in normal cells, spindle abnormalities and chromosome segregation defects are very common in cancer cells. The mitotic spindle is a highly dynamic array of microtubules that is organized through the combined action of microtubule-organizing centers, a variety of microtubule-associated proteins and microtubule-dependent motor proteins such as kinesin-5 and dynein. Currently we do not have a good understanding of the way the different motor proteins work together to form a bipolar spindle, and how they contribute to spindle defects in cancerous cells. Also, little is known about the spatio-temporal regulation of motor proteins, while it is clear that this is an important aspect of spindle formation. In this proposal we aim to address the role of motor proteins during bipolar spindle assembly. In particular, we will study the specific function of two kinesins for which we have recently identified a novel role in spindle assembly. Their primary role in spindle formation, as well as their possible contribution to resistance to novel kinesin-targeting drugs that are currently developed for anti-cancer treatment will be investigated. In addition, we will study the spatio-temporal regulation of motor proteins during spindle assembly, to understand how local cues can control spindle bipolarity. This will involve both an in-depth analysis of post-translational modifications of kinesins with a role in spindle assembly, as well as systematic genome-wide screens for regulators of motor function. With these studies we aim to further characterize the mechanisms that control spindle assembly during mitosis, and gain a better understanding of the spatio-temporal control of spindle formation. This can help us resolve the defects that underlie aberrant spindle formation in cancer cells and develop and improve spindle targeting drugs for use in cancer therapies.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Prof. dr. R.H. Medema
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Nederlands Kanker Instituut