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Integraal Gezondheidsonderzoek bij Rampen – COVID-19 Fase 2 Gemeente Utrecht Volksgezondheid / Integrated Public Health Monitor – COVID-19 Phase 2 Gemeente Utrecht Volksgezondheid


Integrale Gezondheidsmonitor GOR COVID-19 2021-2025

De coronacrisis heeft impact op ieders leven, direct en/of indirect. De overheid monitort gezondheidseffecten van deze crisis met de Integrale Gezondheidsmonitor GOR COVID-19 2021-2025. Deze monitor bestaat uit verschillende deelonderzoeken gericht op jeugd, jongeren, volwassenen, ouderen en extra kwetsbare mensen. Er wordt inzicht gegeven in de impact van corona op de gezondheid en het welzijn van de Nederlandse bevolking. Het doel van de monitor is om beleidsmakers op lokaal, regionaal en nationaal niveau te adviseren en ondersteunen bij beleidsvorming. Op basis van de resultaten kunnen handvatten gegeven worden om een passend zorg- en ondersteuningsaanbod op te zetten, om de negatieve gezondheidseffecten van de crisis te beperken.

De monitor is ontwikkeld door het RIVM, de GGD’en in samenwerking met GGD GHOR Nederland, het Nivel en ARQ Nationaal Psychotrauma Centrum.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the health and wellbeing of the population in the Netherlands extend beyond the Municipal Health Services (GGDs) regions. Disaster health research (Gezondheidsonderzoek bij Rampen; GOR) is a statutory task described in the Public Health Act (Wet Publieke Gezondheid; Wpg) and includes research into mental and physical health and into the need for care and support after a crisis or disaster. In the Netherlands the process of GOR is organized regionally or locally. However, due to the nature of the corona crisis and far-reaching impact on the public health, GOR-COVID-19 needs a supraregional approach and national coordination. To mitigate the effects of the corona crisis on public health, it is of utmost importance to gain insight in the short- and long-term effects on the mental and physical health. Therefore, the partners in Network GOR-COVID-19 (RIVM, the 25 GGDs, GGD GHOR Nederland, Nivel and ARQ National Trauma Center) write this proposal for a national research program to monitor the health impact of the corona crisis over five years (2021-2025). This proposal focusses on 2022-2025 and is a follow up of phase 1, see annex 3). The main objective of the integral GOR-COVID-19 health monitor is to provide a good information base on the physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 crisis for youth, (young) adults, and the target group of public mental healthcare (OGGZ). This information base is used to advise and support local and regional decisionmakers in policy making and providing guidelines for mitigating health risks. Subgoals are: 1) to gain insight into the direct effects of COVID-19 on health; 2) to acquire insight into the effects of the measures aimed at controlling the pandemic on health and wellbeing; 3) to promote the transfer of knowledge and insights to national, regional, and local policy makers and healthcare providers. The integral COVID-19 health monitor consists of two types of monitoring and an annual literature review. The two types of monitoring are short-cycle and long-cycle monitoring. This combination allows the chance to compare the health and wellbeing of the population to the period before the pandemic (long-cycle), investigate pandemic-related-topics like stressful events on local level (long-cycle) and monitor the development of health and wellbeing over time during the crisis. Both short-cycle and long-cycle monitors include survey collected data and registration data from general practices. Combining literature reviews, short-cycle and long-cycle measurements provides the chance to use insights from one of the elements in other elements. Furthermore, the policy dialogue is facilitated because the development of health and wellbeing during the pandemic and compared to the period before the pandemic are mapped. In our research we will investigate ‘classical health measures’ in GOR such as depression, anxiety, suicidality, medically unexplained symptoms, chronic health complaints and changes in healthcare use (including medication). The classic GOR measures are further expanded with other health themes within public health, such as loneliness, exercise, substance use and difficulty to make ends meet. Naturally, we also build on a broad knowledge base of risk and protective factors. Results of this research program are interpreted in multidisciplinary working groups consisting of representatives of the government, healthcare agencies, the social domain and institutes that bridge the gap between science, policy, and implementation. In working groups, an assessment is made of the usefulness of results for policy and thereafter the results are translated into concrete action perspectives. At regional level, such working groups are also organized to translate into action perspectives for local policymakers and organizations. To achieve dissemination in the regions and locally, the Dutch association of municipalities (VNG) and the GGDs play a crucial role. The GGDs are the drivers of, or closely involved in, the existing networks targeting (mental) health problem prevention and health promotion. GGD professionals have a task in agenda-setting, in putting GOR-COVID-19-monitoring knowledge and results on the agenda of affiliated networks. This study serves the Dutch society by combining science, practice, and policymaking in a five-year iterative process. By generating and mutually sharing scientific and practice-oriented data we are acquiring an adequate knowledge and information base which will enable national and regional policy- and decision makers to implement health measures to mitigate the risks of the corona crisis on public health in the Netherlands. Its great strength is a mutual collaboration between national and regional public health parties and thereby integrating knowledge, practice, and policy for the benefit of public health in the Netherlands.



Looptijd: 57%
Looptijd: 57 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
drs. A.J. Bouwman - Notenboom
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Gemeente Utrecht