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Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters


Langdurig werklozen, statushouders, dak- en thuislozen, ze voelen zich vaak gemarginaliseerd en eenzaam. Eén manier om hen uit hun sociale isolement te krijgen en meer structuur in hun leven te krijgen, is deelname aan sport. “Frontline werkers”, zoals buurtsportcoaches en sociaal werkers, en hun organisaties spelen een cruciale rol in het begeleiden naar en het organiseren van sportactiviteiten die de gelegenheid tot ontmoetingen bieden. Tegelijkertijd hanteren frontline werkers uiteenlopende professionele werkwijzen en vindt daar maar beperkt kennisuitwisseling over plaats. Het project Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters (CISE) heeft tot doel lokale organisatiepraktijken en verschillende professionele werkwijzen nadrukkelijker op elkaar af te stemmen, oftewel te “kalibreren”, zodat organisatienetwerken en professionals sportactiviteiten toegankelijker kunnen maken voor mensen in kwetsbare posities.

Het onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in twee zogenoemde “living labs”, dit is een gebruikersgerichte onderzoeksmethodologie voor het ontwikkelen, valideren en verfijnen van complexe oplossingen in bestaande situaties. Via de living labs verbeteren we samenwerkingsprocessen en generen we inzicht in de bruikbaarheid van tools, bijvoorbeeld een virtuele trainer tool, voor frontline werkers. Hierdoor draagt het project bij aan het nog beter betrekken van mensen in kwetsbare posities bij sportactiviteiten.

In het project werken onderzoekers nauw samen met lokale en landelijke maatschappelijke partners. Dit zijn: de gemeenten Utrecht en Eindhoven, FC Utrecht, PSV Foundation, SportUtrecht, het sportinnovator-centrum InnoSportlab Sport & Beweeg, stichting Life Goals en Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten (VSG). Het project wordt uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van de Universiteit Utrecht (departementen Bestuurs- en Organisatiewetenschap en Sociale Geografie en Planologie), TU/e (Industrial Design), Fontys Sporthogeschool (lectoraat Move to Be) en Hogeschool Utrecht (lectoraat Participatie en Stedelijke Ontwikkeling).


Titel: CISE Work package 2
Auteur: Iris Geerts
Titel: Researching the hard-to-research
Auteur: Susen-Sophie Lange
Titel: Youth workers pushing more than just a board
Auteur: Froukje Smits & Annelies Knoppers
Titel: Introduction panel session Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters
Auteur: Maikel Waardenburg & Ramon Spaaij
Titel: Workshop 'Netwerken ontwerpen'
Auteur: Iris Geerts & Maikel Waardenburg
Titel: Routines van professionals in het organiseren van inclusieve sportieve ontmoetingen voor meiden
Auteur: Froukje Smits & Palau Holst
Titel: Professionals developing sport projects for girls from disadvantaged neighborhoods
Auteur: Froukje Smits
Titel: The Impact of Inclusive Sporting Encounters for Marginalised Groups
Auteur: Susen-Sophie Lange, Gideon Bolt & Steven Vos
Titel: A network perspective on living labs for more inclusive sporting encounters for socially vulnerable people
Auteur: Iris Geerts & Maikel Waardenburg
Titel: Networked co-creation ?for more inclusive ?sporting encounters ?for marginalised people
Auteur: Iris Geerts
Titel: Samenwerkings canvas
Auteur: Iris Geerts & Indre Kalinauskaite
Titel: PACT map Leidsche Rijn
Auteur: Ineke Deelen & Indre Kalinauskaite
Titel: Life Goals Report
Auteur: Susen-Sophie Lange
Titel: PACT map Tongelre
Auteur: Indre Kalinauskaite
Titel: Professionele routines kunnen het stimuleren van sport en bewegen van mensen in kwetsbare posities belemmeren
Auteur: Froukje Smits & Anneke von Heijden-Brinkman
Magazine: Sport & Strategie
Titel: Samenwerken aan inclusieve sportieve ontmoetingen via effectievere netwerken
Auteur: Maikel Waardenburg & Iris Geerts
Magazine: Sport & Strategie
Titel: Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters
Auteur: Maikel Waardenburg, Lotte van den Brink
Titel: Scoren met routines van COA professionals voor (action)sportparticipatie van vluchtelingen om welzijn te verbeteren
Auteur: Palau Holst & Froukje Smits
Titel: Presentatie VSG Kennisweek
Auteur: Maikel Waardenburg & Iris Geerts


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

This research focuses on the organisation of sporting encounters for different groups of people in socially vulnerable situations with a low socio-economic position. The reason for this is that their participation in sports and physical activity lags behind in comparison with other groups. People in a low socio-economic segment, including the long-term unemployed, the homeless, and refugees, often feel marginalised and lonely and experience great difficulty in keeping their lives on track, which increases their risk of exclusion in society (RIVM, 2018). The fact that many people in a vulnerable position do not structurally participate in sports and physical activities means that they do not experience the benefits of sporting encounters either. We still have a limited understanding of the way in which organisational networks (meso level) and frontline workers (micro level) can make sporting encounters more inclusive for people in socially vulnerable situations. Frontline workers and their organisations play a crucial role in guiding people towards, facilitating and organising sporting encounters. At the same time, frontline workers use different professional routines and there is limited knowledge exchange regarding these routines. More insight into designing and organising sports encounters gives professionals applicable tools so that they can better reach the target group . Ultimately, this contributes to a better use of the value(s) of sport and a more inclusive society for everyone. The aim of this research is to map the impact of frontline workers (e.g. community sports coaches, social workers) and their organisations on inclusive sports encounters for people in a socially vulnerable situation, so that practitioners strengthen their skills and networks to create inclusive sports encounters. By sporting encounters we mean encounters in which people in a socially vulnerable position come into contact through sport with people in a similar situation, as well as with 'other' people and professionals. We focus on three levels at which stakeholders can impact the organization of inclusive sporting encounters: the macro level forms the context for this research project. It concerns the policy and physical environment in and through which sporting encounters take place; the meso level concerns the network configurations and interactions between organizations, such as the municipality, social work and sport service organizations. We analyze the configuration and dynamics of cooperation between these organizations, and their frontline professionals and the way in which they try to shape more inclusive sporting encounters and how this can be strengthened; the micro level concerns the interaction between frontline workers and people in vulnerable positions. We analyze their interaction in order to distinguish enabling and constraining routines for inclusive sporting encounters. This project will be conducted and headed by Dr. Maikel Waardenburg (Utrecht University, School of Governance) in collaboration with colleagues from the Department of Social Geography and Urban Planning (UU), the Department of Industrial Design (TU/e), the Lectorate Move to Be (Fontys Sporthogeschool) and the Lectorate Participation and Urban Development (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht). We work closely with local and national social partners: Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten (VSG), Stichting Life Goals, the municipalities of Utrecht and Eindhoven, SportUtrecht, FC Utrecht, PSV Foundation and the sports innovator centre InnoSportlab Sport & Beweeg. The research is carried out in two living labs. Living labs are a research and design methodology for developing and testing services or processes in co-creation with users in a real-life environment that is applied by research institutes in collaboration with public and private partners. The main reason we choose living labs is the ability to calibrate disciplinary knowledge, thorough academic research with practical interventions (Ericsson et al., 2005). The living labs are situated in a neighbourhood in Utrecht and in Eindhoven, both of which are characterized by multi-problems and relatively low levels of sport participation. With the project we are delivering prototypes (product/process) that support organisational networks and frontline workers in their tasks and ultimately make sporting encounters for vulnerable groups more inclusive. This includes a self-assessment tool for organisational networks and a skills training for frontline workers.



Looptijd: 88%
Looptijd: 88 %
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
dr. M. van Waardenburg
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Universiteit Utrecht