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My Little Moves: Ideal 24-hour movement patterns in the early years


Regelmatige lichaamsbeweging is belangrijk voor een gezonde groei en ontwikkeling. Toch haalt de meerderheid van de jeugd de beweegnorm niet. Er zijn verschillende initiatieven gericht op het stimuleren van lichaamsbeweging bij de jeugd. Hierbij is slechts beperkt aandacht voor kinderen van 0-4 jaar. Ook ontbreekt een beweegrichtlijn voor deze jonge doelgroep.

Het doel van dit project is het in kaart brengen van de 24-uurs beweegpatronen (bewegen, zitten en slaap) van jonge kinderen. Ook wordt onderzocht welke factoren van invloed zijn op deze patronen. Daarnaast wordt de relatie tussen 24-uurs beweegpatronen en groei en ontwikkeling onderzocht om een optimaal 24-uurs patroon te kunnen vaststellen. Op basis van deze kennis wordt een advies voor een beweegrichtlijn opgesteld.

In ‘My Little Moves’ werken diverse partijen uit wetenschap en praktijk samen met ouders van jonge kinderen. Gezamenlijk hebben zij de benodigde expertise en netwerken om dit project tot een succes te maken.


Titel: Correlates of Physical Activity in 0- to 5-year-olds: A Systematic Umbrella Review and Consultation of International Researchers
Auteur: Arts J, Drotos E, Singh AS, Chinapaw MJM, Altenburg TM, Gubbels JS
Magazine: Sports Medicine
Titel: Systematic review of accelerometer-based methods for 24-hour physical behavior assessment in young children (0-5 years old)
Auteur: Lettink A, Altenburg TM, Arts J, van Hees V, Chinapaw MJM
Magazine: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Titel: Physical activity and prospective associations with indicators of health and development in children aged <5 years: a systematic review
Auteur: Veldman, S.L.C., Chin A Paw, M.J.M. & Altenburg, T.M
Magazine: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Titel: A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0-5 years)
Auteur: Arts J, Gubbels JS, Verhoeff AP, Chinapaw MJM, Lettink A, Altenburg TM
Magazine: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Titel: Systematic review of accelerometer-based methods for 24-hour physical behavior assessment in young children (0—5-year-olds)
Auteur: Annelinde Lettink, Teatske M Altenburg, Jelle Arts, Vincent T van Hees & Mai JM Chinapaw


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Adequate physical activity is essential for children’s healthy growth and development, and should be stimulated from an early age. However, the youngest age group (0-4- year-olds) has been largely overlooked. Recently, a broadened focus on all 24-h movement behaviours for improved health has been recommended encompassing physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep. Knowledge on young children’s 24-h movement behaviours and their associations with growth and development is largely absent. As a result guidelines and interventions promoting young children’s healthy movement behaviours are lacking, and consequently parents and professionals have concerns and uncertainty regarding ideal 24-h movement behaviours for young children. Thus, high-quality evidence to inform guidelines and practical tools promoting ideal 24-h movement behaviours are urgently needed. Current research on early age 24-h movement behaviours is limited by the lack of 1) accurate measurement instruments taking into account children’s ambulatory stages; and 2) sophisticated data analysis taking into account 24-h movement patterns. Our project will fill this gap by developing valid, reliable and user-friendly measurement instruments for young children’s 24-h movement behaviours and providing high-quality evidence on 1) young children’s 24-h movement patterns over time and the longitudinal association with growth, motor and social-emotional development; 2) determinants of 24-h movement behaviours. Subsequently, we will co-create recommendations for guidelines for 24-h movement behaviours as well as interventions to stimulate children’s ideal 24-hour movement patterns together with parents and relevant professionals. As currently no evidence-based guidelines exist for young children, this project will have large societal and scientific impact. Our interdisciplinary consortium covers all necessary scientific and practical expertise and has an ideal infrastructure, allowing for a jumpstart and cost-efficient project.


Looptijd: 98%
Looptijd: 98 %
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
prof. dr. J.M.M. Chin A Paw
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc