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AFFIRM: prediction of Adverse pregnancy outcome by Fetal Fraction Measurement in NIPT


AFFIRM studie: Voorspellen van zwangerschapsuitkomsten met de foetale frictie in de NIPT


Vanaf 2017 kunnen alle zwangere vrouwen in Nederland kiezen voor de niet-invasieve prenatale test (NIPT) als screening op down-, edwards- en patausyndroom. De NIPT maakt gebruik van het foetale DNA in het bloed van de zwangere vrouw. De hoeveelheid van dit foetale DNA (de foetale fractie) is mogelijk een maat voor het functioneren van de placenta (moederkoek) en de aanpassing van de zwangere aan de zwangerschap.

Onderzoek en verwachte uitkomst

Deze studie onderzoekt de voorspellende waarde van de foetale fractie in de NIPT op zwangerschapsuitkomsten zoals foetale groeiachterstand, hoge bloeddruk en pre-eclampsie (zwangerschapsvergiftiging), vroeggeboorte en zwangerschapsdiabetes. De mening van de zwangere vrouw en haar zorgverleners over deze mogelijk bijkomende toepassing van de NIPT zal in kaart worden gebracht. Ook zal een ethische analyse worden verricht.

Na het voltooien van de studie kan een advies worden geformuleerd over hoe de foetale fractie in de NIPT als voorspeller voor zwangerschapsuitkomsten te gebruiken is. Zo kunnen tijdig preventieve maatregelen getroffen worden.

Meer over pre- en neonatale screening


Titel: Informatievideo over een extra doel van de NIPT
Auteur: Masterstudenten Ylana van Rijsbergen en Janneke Bertorotta. Onder begeleiding van Ellis Becking, Mireille Bekker, Peter Scheffer en Lidewij Henneman
Titel: Informatievideo over een extra doel van de NIPT
Auteur: Masterstudenten Ylana van Rijsbergen en Janneke Bertorotta. Onder begeleiding van Ellis Becking, Mireille Bekker, Peter Scheffer en Lidewij Henneman
Titel: Foetale fractie en zwangerschapscomplicaties
Titel: AFFIRM-studie: het voorspellen van zwangerschapscomplicaties met de foetale fractie in de NIPT
Titel: Foetale fractie en zwangerschapscomplicaties
Titel: Fetal fraction of cell-free DNA in non-invasive prenatal testing and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide retrospective cohort study of 56,110 pregnant women
Titel: Presentatie AFFIRM-studie voor NIPT consortium
Auteur: E.C.Becking
Titel: AFFIRM-studie: het voorspellen van zwangerschapscomplicaties met de foetale fractie in de NIPT
Titel: Fetal fraction of cell-free DNA in non-invasive prenatal testing and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide retrospective cohort study of 56,110 pregnant women
Titel: Foetale fractie in de NIPT en zwangerschapscomplicaties
Titel: Foetale fractie in de NIPT en zwangerschapscomplicaties
Titel: Association between low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA screening and fetal chromosomal aberrations: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA testing is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome: Analysis of a subcohort of the TRIDENT-2 study
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Association between low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA testing and adverse pregnancy outcome: A systematic review
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Association between low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA screening and fetal chromosomal aberrations: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Fetal fraction of cell-free DNA in non-invasive prenatal testing and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide retrospective cohort study of 56,110 pregnant women
Magazine: AJOG
Titel: Variability in Fetal Fraction Estimation: Comparing Fetal Fractions Reported by Noninvasive Prenatal Testing Providers Globally
Magazine: Clinical chemistry
Titel: Association between low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA testing and adverse pregnancy outcome: A systematic review
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Variability in Fetal Fraction Estimation: Comparing Fetal Fractions Reported by Noninvasive Prenatal Testing Providers Globally
Magazine: Clinical Chemistry
Titel: Low fetal fraction in cell-free DNA testing is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome: Analysis of a subcohort of the TRIDENT-2 study
Magazine: Prenatal diagnosis
Titel: Fetal fraction of cell-free DNA in non-invasive prenatal testing and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a nationwide retrospective cohort study of 56,110 pregnant women
Magazine: AJOG


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE One in eight pregnancies is complicated by small for gestational age neonates (SGA), preeclampsia (PE), preterm birth (PTB), or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). These complications have a life-long impact on both the mother and child with an associated burden on general health care costs. Identifying pregnant women at risk for these adverse pregnancy outcomes at an early gestational age allows for timely interventions and tailored pregnancy management to prevent complications. Although many first-trimester risk stratification models have been developed, no one method is universally applied as performance of these models is at best acceptable. In non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), cell-free fetal DNA in the blood of the pregnant woman is analyzed to screen for fetal aneuploidies. As this cell-free fetal DNA is derived from placental cells undergoing apoptosis, the amount of cell-free DNA released in the maternal circulation reflects placental health and maternal pregnancy adaptation. Indeed, several small-scaled studies have shown an association between the fetal fraction (FF) of cell-free DNA (i.e. the amount of placental-derived cell-free DNA in relation to the amount of cell-free DNA of maternal origin in the blood of the pregnant mother) and placenta-related adverse pregnancy outcomes. The primary aim of our project is to study the value of FF in the risk stratification of adverse pregnancy outcomes. OBJECTIVES 1. To determine the association between FF and adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as SGA, PE, PTB, and GDM 2. To determine the additional value of adding FF to existing prognostic models for adverse pregnancy outcomes 3. To determine the clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of using FF in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes 4. To assess the perspectives and needs of pregnant women and professionals regarding early prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes using NIPT 5. To explore the implications for the normative framework for prenatal screening: under what conditions can early prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes (prevention-aimed) be responsibly incorporated in NIPT-screening for fetal chromosomal anomalies (reproductive autonomy-aimed)? 6. To develop an implementation roadmap for the future use of FF in NIPT in the early prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes DESIGN AND METHODS In the Netherlands, NIPT is performed within a governmentally supported implementation study (TRIDENT-2) and available for all pregnant women. With an uptake of about 42%, 73,000 tests are performed each year and the FF is uniformly measured in all NIPT laboratories as a sample quality parameter. To determine the association between FF and adverse pregnancy outcomes (obj. 1) we will draw and analyze data from already in place TRIDENT-2 databases and the national prenatal and perinatal registries Peridos and Perined. We will then determine the additional value of adding FF to existing prognostic models (obj. 2) through internal and external validation. A health technology assessment (HTA) will be conducted to determine the clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of using FF in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes (obj. 3). To consequently assess the perspectives and needs of pregnant women and professionals regarding early prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes using NIPT (obj. 4), we will organize a stakeholders meeting, perform focus groups, and conduct semi-structured interviews. Based on this information, we will develop questionnaires to perform a discrete choice experiment. When changing the scope of NIPT from a reproductive autonomy-aimed test to (also) a prevention-aimed test it is essential to think about the conditions for responsibly offering such screening. We will explore the implications for the normative framework for prenatal screening (obj. 5) through literature research and conceptual and ethical analysis by method of wide reflective equilibrium. Expecting to have established a multifaceted and complete perspective of using FF in the risk stratification of adverse pregnancy outcomes, we will finally develop a road map for implementation (obj. 6), that will be offered to all stakeholders and policy makers in the Netherlands. The project is highly feasible since we will use the well-organized and national network for prenatal screening that has been collaborating together with the NIPT consortium since 2011. Our project team represents all relevant areas of expertise necessary to perform this study. Our proposal has the support of the NIPT consortium, KNOV, and NVOG. We build on former ZonMw projects (TRIDENT, RESPECT). ANTICIPATED RESULTS We will deliver a ready-to-use NIPT-based risk stratification model for adverse pregnancy outcomes together with a multifaceted perspective of broadening the NIPT-based prenatal screening from enabling reproductive choices to risk stratification to improve fetal-maternal health and a road map for future implementation.


Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
prof. dr. M.N. Bekker MD PhD
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht