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Promoting STI and HIV testing among students of vocational training centres: theory- and evidence-based development of an intervention.


In 2006 zijn we gestart met een project op ROC’s (Regionale Opleidings Centra) om studenten te stimuleren zich te laten testen op seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (soa). Allereerst zijn we gestart met een onderzoek naar de
gedragsdeterminanten van soa-testen door middel van interviews en vragenlijsten.

Gebaseerd op de uitkomsten van dit vooronderzoek hebben we een interventie ontwikkeld (“ROsafe”) die gericht was op het verhogen van de attitude, het versterken van de (ervaren) sociale invloed, en het beïnvloeden van de risicoperceptie ten aanzien van soa-testen, alsmede het faciliteren en het benadrukken van de toegankelijkheid van soa-testvoorzieningen.

Het onderzoek wees uit dat de interventie die voorlichting met spreekuren combineerde het meest effectief was. Studenten uit deze groep lieten zich 4,5 keer vaker testen op soa dan studenten in de controlegroep.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

This research project is aimed at promoting testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV among people aged 16-25 years in vocational training centres (ROC) in the Rotterdam area (consisting primarily of low SES and ethnic minority students). We will develop an intervention to motivate students at risk to go for a STI or HIV test. The intervention will be carried out and evaluated in ROC schools in the Rotterdam area. The intervention will be developed in a theory and evidence based way, using the intervention development and evaluation model PRECEDE/PROCEED and the Intervention Mapping (IM) framework. Following PRECEDE/PROCEED, a nine-month needs assessment will be carried out. In this phase a quantitative study is planned on behavioural determinants of testing on HIV and STI among ROC students. The questionnaire will be based on data from a qualitative study that is recently completed among ROC students and carried out by the MPHS. The quantitative study enables us to estimate the strength of correlation of determinants with risk behaviour, so the intervention can be targeted on the most relevant determinants. In the next phase the intervention will be developed using the different steps of the Intervention Mapping framework. To incorporate individual behavioural determinants as well as environmental determinants the intervention will include two different components: an educational programme and the establishment of easy accessible test facilities at school sites. For HIV a rapid test can be used requiring fingerprick blood withdrawal, and urine kits can be used to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. An experimental design will be used for the evaluation of the intervention, assessing effects after one and six months of follow-up. ROC-Classes will be matched according to a set of predetermined criteria and randomly allocated to one of four experimental conditions, receiving either one or both intervention components or only receiving the standard curriculum to determine the differential effects of the two intervention components. The time period of the project is four years, starting from January 2006. Execution and evaluation of the intervention takes place in the school year 2007-2008. When proven effective a national implementation of the intervention in ROC schools is possible.



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Looptijd: 100 %
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Prof. dr. J.H. Richardus
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
GGD Rotterdam Rijnmond