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Development and communication of environmental health indicators on the local scale


Bureau GMV voerde samen met de afdeling Milieukunde van de Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen een onderzoek uit dat zich richt op het in kaart brengen van de invloed van milieufactoren op lokale schaal en de communicatie daarover.

Het project bestond uit een case study ‘Binnenmilieu op scholen’ waarbij is onderzocht in hoeverre adviezen het binnenmilieu op scholen ook werkelijk konden verbeteren.

In de case study ‘Impact op gezondheid door Nederlandse emissies’ berekenden we welke prioritaire stof verantwoordelijk is voor de meeste verloren levensjaren. Hierbij hebben we rekening gehouden met de ruimtelijke verdeling in Nederland van emissies, concentraties en bevolking. Uit de studie blijkt dat de berekende ziektelast grotendeels te wijten is aan fijn stof (PM10).

Case study ‘Moerdijk’: om meer zicht te krijgen op de beleving en informatiebehoefte van bewoners op het gebied van gezondheidsrisico’s, is onderzoek gedaan in Moerdijk. Daaarbij zijn de geschatte gezondheidsrisico’s vergeleken met de ervaren  gezondheidsrisico’s.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Alinea Bert & Peter over coordinating proposal? Both the target groups of the Public Health Services, policymakers and the public, ask for information about the impact of environmental stressors on the public?s health. To answer to this demand various environmental indicators have been developed. A number of shortcomings of the current environmental health indicators are: - the high geographical scale; - indicators are expressed in measures which are hard to understand for layman; - indicators are expressed in different kinds units, which complicates the interpretation and comparability; - indicators are uncertain and the uncertainties are generally not quantified, which complicates the interpretation and communication. Therefore, meaningful and integrative environmental health indicators on the local scale are developed in this study. To communicate the indicators to the people concerned, a communication strategy will be developed. First the current environmental health indicators, their applicability and ways of communication on the local scale are studied through a literature review and a focus group of people concerned, experts on communication of environmental risks and employees of the environmental health departments of the Public Health Services. The environmental health indicators on the local scale are developed in collaboration with the consortium INTARESE. In the second phase the indicators and the communication strategy are tested in four distinctive cases concerning the urban environment, the indoor air quality in the school environment, the industrial environment and the reconstruction areas for intensive livestock farming in the rural environment. In the third phase the indicators and the communication strategy are evaluated through questionnaires and through a focus group of people concerned, policy makers and employees of the environmental health departments of the Public Health Services.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Drs. H.W.A. Jans
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
GGD'en Brabant / Zeeland