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Testing an Internet-based Lifestyle Approach


Ernstige aandoeningen, zoals hart- en vaatziekten en kanker, ontstaan vaak door een ongezonde leefstijl. Advies-op-maat via internet is een nieuwe methode om persoonlijke feedback te geven en gedragsverandering te stimuleren.
Binnen het project wordt probeerd deelnemers te motiveren om te stoppen met roken, minder alcohol te drinken, meer fruit en groente te eten en voldoende te bewegen. Deelnemers worden ingedeeld in drie groepen: ze ontvangen allemaal een persoonlijk leefstijloverzicht dat aan de hand van verkeerslichten laat zien aan welke leefstijlnormen de respondent wel of niet voldoet. De experimentele groepen ontvangen vervolgens extra advies, gebaseerd op psychosociale determinanten. Groep 1 krijgt persoonlijk advies met betrekking tot één gekozen leefstijlgedrag; respondenten uit groep 2 ontvangen persoonlijk advies met betrekking tot alle gedragingen waarvoor ze niet aan de norm voldoen.
Doel van het project is te onderzoeken welke strategie het beste toegepast kan worden binnen advies-op-maat-programma’s die zich richten op meerdere gedragingen.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are two major health problems in the Netherlands. Lifestyle risk behaviors associated with these problems are smoking, bad nutritional habits, inactivity, and excessive alcohol consumption. These risk behaviors have been found to be more prominent in people with a low educational level. Computer tailored health education promotes the adoption of health behaviors in groups with both a high and low educational level. The first generation methods mostly focused on a single behavior. Recently new second-generation studies started to include multiple behaviors. However, it is not clear how to best offer health information about lifestyles to the public. It is conceivable that some people are ready to change several behaviors at the same time, whereas others might be only prepared to change a limited cluster of behaviors, or to change only one specific behavior. Recent Dutch studies suggest that a focus on clusters may be more acceptable for some people, since a previous overall lifestyle tailoring approach did result in changes in both activity and nutritional patterns, but not in smoking behavior. Internet-based health education has become popular but few were tested in a RCT to analyze effects on multiple behaviors. Our goal is to test and analyze the effects of different ways of delivering tailored feedback using an Internet-based approach by comparing a single behavior approach, a cluster approach and a generic approach, and to compare effects with those of a control group. We hypothesize that the effectiveness of the experimental conditions will depend on the motivational characteristics of the person. Potential differences in appreciation and effectiveness of the interventions for subgroups (SES, age, gender) will be described as well. The intervention will be offered to inhabitants of two provinces of the Netherlands (Zeeland and Brabant) as part of an additional service to their regular health monitoring questionnaires by the Regional Health Authorities (RHA) of these provinces (Dutch: GGD's).



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+