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Improving brain health to defeat dementia: developing persuasive technology for personalized dementia risk reduction in primary care


Er is helaas geen behandeling voor dementie, maar vanuit het oogpunt van de volksgezondheid is het goede nieuws dat de kans op dementie verkleind kan worden. Er zijn sterke aanwijzingen dat leefstijlfactoren, zoals lichaamsbeweging en hoge bloeddruk, de kans op dementie beïnvloeden. Echter, het is onbekend of er verschillen zijn in dementierisicoprofielen op basis van demografische kenmerken zoals geslacht, opleidingsniveau, ethniciteit/ras en sociaaleconomische status.

Doel en aanpak

Doel van het onderzoek was inzicht te krijgen in welke leefstijlfactoren de grootste impact hebben op iemands persoonlijke kans op dementie en dus het beste kunnen worden aangepakt. Tevens heeft de onderzoeker een digitale gezondheidsapp ontwikkeld en getest voor gebruik binnen de huisartsenpraktijk waarmee iemands persoonlijke kans op dementie verkleind kan worden. Het effect van de interventie op hersengezond gedrag in het dagelijks leven wordt gemonitord door gebruik te maken van verfijnde meetmethoden.



Titel: Lifestyle and incident dementia: a COSMIC individual participant data meta-analysis
Auteur: Van Asbroeck S, Köhler S, van Boxtel MPJ, Lipnicki DM, […], Sachdev PS, Deckers K.
Magazine: Nog in te dienen
Titel: Does a healthy lifestyle interact with sociodemographic characteristics to predict dementia risk? Results from the COSMIC collaboration
Auteur: Van Asbroeck S, Köhler S, van Boxtel MPJ, Lipnicki DM, […], Sachdev PS, Deckers K
Titel: Dementia risk reduction in the general practice: a proof-of-concept study evaluating the use of a brain health promotion smartphone app
Auteur: Stephanie Van Asbroeck, Sebastian Köhler, Jean WM Muris, Martin PJ van Boxtel, Kay Deckers
Titel: Brain-healthy behavior and its determinants in the flow of everyday life: a smartphone-based experience sampling method pilot study
Auteur: Van Asbroeck S., Köhler S., Wimmers S.C.P.M., Muris J. W. M., van Boxtel M. P. J., Deckers K.
Titel: The association between a healthy lifestyle and incident dementia in various sociodemographic and geographical groups
Auteur: Van Asbroeck S, Köhler S, van Boxtel MPJ, Lipnicki DM, […], Sachdev PS, Deckers K.
Titel: Dataset en codebook PRIMary care App-supported Brain health promotion (PRIMA-Brain) studie


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

The global number of people with dementia has increased during the last decade and will triple by 2050. Policy makers are searching for solutions to reduce this dementia burden. However, while they continue to wait for a “magic bullet’’ to cure dementia, I am convinced that it is high time for preventive action. Robust evidence indicates that health and lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity and hypertension can mitigate dementia risk. Yet, the few existing dementia prevention initiatives are limited: they are not personalized, not targeted at “hard-to-reach groups” (typically low socioeconomic status (SES)), and not suitable for implementation on a large-scale and in a real-life setting. My research project will tackle these challenges by developing, validating and testing a personalized dementia risk reduction strategy in primary care. First, I will use epidemiological and machine-learning approaches to investigate the impact of demographic / diversity variables (sex, educational level, ethnicity / race and SES) on the poly-environmental dementia risk score (consisting of twelve health and lifestyle factors) that I previously developed. This will allow me to identify, based on one’s demographic profile, which risk factors should be addressed to maximize dementia risk reduction. I will develop and validate these tailored dementia risk profiles using pooled data from more than 30 population-based cohort studies of cognitive ageing (75.000 participants). Second, I will conduct a proof-of-concept study, to examine the feasibility of a personalized dementia risk reduction program in general practices. Third, I will use the experience sampling methodology in a pilot study to monitor the impact of the intervention on one’s (brain) health behavior in the flow of daily life. My ultimate aim is to reduce the dementia burden by improving society’s brain health. This comprehensive research project will lead to scientific and practical insight to optimize dementia risk reduction strategies. Further, my project will lay the foundation for future large-scale (inter)national dementia prevention initiatives.


Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
dr. K. Deckers
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Maastricht University