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Social participation of persons with visual impairments: Guides, pathways and milestones


Jonge mensen met een visuele beperking dromen over hun toekomst, net als jongvolwassenen zonder beperkingen. Toch hebben zij, juist door hun beperking, vaker moeite met zaken als vrijetijdsbesteding, school, werk en het aangaan van betekenisvolle relaties. Voor hen kent sociale participatie risico’s.

Er is ook een groep jongvolwassenen met een visuele beperking die al veel heeft bereikt op het gebied van sociale participatie. Hun ervaringen en levenslessen kunnen waardevol en belangrijk zijn voor anderen met een visuele beperking die twijfels hebben of worstelen met sociale participatie. Daarom hebben wij het mentorprogramma Mentor Support ontwikkeld en getest. Een interventie waarin succesvolle jongvolwassenen met een visuele beperking getraind worden om mentor te worden voor adolescenten met visuele beperkingen.


In dit project werd verwacht dat Mentor Support de sociale participatie en de psychosociale ontwikkeling zou verbeteren. In onze studie blijkt echter dat jongeren die een mentor hadden net zoveel vooruit gingen als jongeren die de gebruikelijke zorg kregen vanuit de instellingen Visio of Bartimeus. Echter, jongeren met een mentor verbeterden wel sterker op tevredenheid met sociale ondersteuning en op tevredenheid over psychologische basisbehoeftes als autonomie en gevoel van erbij horen.

De resultaten uit de longitudinale studie waarbij we ruim 250 respondenten al vele jaren volgen in hun leven, geven ook aan hoe belangrijk de contacten met leeftijdgenoten zijn. Vooral ervaren steun van leeftijdgenoten in de puberteit is heel belangrijk als voorspeller voor hoe eenzaam mensen zich 20 jaar later nog voelen. Ook kwam naar voren dat sociale vaardigheden een belangrijke rol spelen bij het latere functioneren van mensen met een visuele beperking.

We verwijzen graag naar onze website voor nog meer resultaten. Onze wetenschappelijke publicaties kunt u vinden door onze namen  (Kef & Heppe) te googelen in de portal researchgate.

Engelse samenvatting / English summary

Young people with a visual impairment dream about their future. But because of their impairment, some people have difficulties with things as school, work, leisure and building up meaningful relationships. For them, social participation is a risk.
But there’s also a group of young adults with a visual impairment that has accomplished a lot when it comes to social participation. Their experiences and life lessons can be valuable for others that have difficulties participating in society. That’s why we developed and tested a mentor program, Mentor Support. An intervention in which successful young adults with a visual impairment are trained to become a mentor for adolescents with a visual impairment.


When we started this project, we expected that Mentor Support would improve social participation and psychosocial development. But our study proves that young people with a mentor progressed just as much as the young adults that received the usual care from Visio and Bartimeus. The people with a mentor did improve on other areas though. They were more content with the social support that they received. And they scored well on psychological basic needs such as autonomy and having a sense of belonging.

The results of the longitudinal study, in which we follow 250 respondents, also show how important the contact with peers is. Especially the support of peers in puberty is an important indicator of how lonely people will feel 20 years later. The longitudinal study also shows that social skills play an important role in how people with a visual impairment function later in life.

For more information we have the (Dutch) website which also includes publications in English. For our scientific articles you can search on our names (Kef & Heppe) in the portal researchgate.


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Social participation is challenging for people with visual impairments. As a result, on average social networks are smaller, romantic relationships formed later, educational achievements lower, and career prospects limited. The support of young adolescents on their way towards that goal may benefit from the knowledge and experience of adults that have overcome similar difficulties. Therefore, a mentoring program will be implemented in which adolescent youth with visual impairments are matched with successfully participating adults with visual impairments. Scientific knowledge of national longitudinal series of measurements witin the same project and based on previous work of the projectleader (Kef) into different domains of social participation will be used to develop and test the Mentor Support program. The effect of the program will be tested in a randomized clinical trial with 120 adolescents, with pretest, posttest, and follow-up. Three conditions are included to test the working ingredients: 1) care as usual, 2) care as usual + Mentor Support by experience experts with visual impairments , 3) care as usual + Mentor Support by young adults without visual impairments. Block randomization will be used in a way that possible mentees and mentors are firstly divided into four regions of our country. The mentors will be recruited based on a longitudinal analysis of pathways towards social participation. Mentors without visual impairments are extensively selected and trained students of HBO or univeristy education centers. The benefits of this project include increased client participation, insights in the nodes that determine the course of social participation, and the implementation of a program that may increase the effects of support to adolescents with visual impairments. For more information, a summary will be send in paper on thursday March 10.



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Onderdeel van programma:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Dr. S. Kef
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam