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Effects of VIPP-V training in early intervention with parents of (very) young children with visual impairments or visual-and-intellectual disabilities.


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VIPP  (Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting) is een interventie voor ouders en is gebaseerd op de gehechtheidstheorie.


We hebben onderzocht welke adaptaties nodig waren voor VIPP-V (visuele / visuele-en-verstandelijke beperking). Uit een literatuurstudie en gesprekken met ervaringsdeskundigen en professionals bleken adaptaties nodig te zijn. Aanpassingen zijn gemaakt. We hebben het effect van VIPP-V beschreven vanuit een onderzoek met een experimentele- (VIPP-V) en een controle groep. We keken naar effecten voor sensitiviteit, kwaliteit van de ouder-kind interactie, ouderlijke stress en opvoed-vertrouwen.


Voor het gemiddelde gezin heeft VIPP-V geen effect op de sensitiviteit van ouders en de kwaliteit van het contact tussen ouders en kinderen. Wel draagt VIPP-V bij aan het vertrouwen dat ouders hebben in hun vermogen om hun kind te steunen en te troosten en lijkt er trend zichtbaar op vermindering van stress. Ouders die een goede relatie hebben met de begeleider, gaan met VIPP-V wel meer vooruit in hun contact met hun kind.

English summary

VIPP  (Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting) is an intervention for parents and is based on the attachment theory.

First we examined which adaptations were required for VIPP-V (Visual / Visual-and-intellectual disability). The literature review and interviews with experts and professionals indicated that it was necessary to make adaptations to the VIPP for this specific group. Second, the adjustments were made. Third, a RCT study was done to determine the effect of VIPP-V with an experimental-(VIPP-V) and a control group. We looked at effects for sensitivity, quality of the parent-child interaction, parental stress and parental self-efficacy.

For the average family VIPP-V has no effect on the sensitivity of parents and the quality of the contact between parents and children. The results indicate that VIPP-V contributed to the self-efficacy of parents in their ability to support and to comfort their child and there seems to be a trend in the decline of stress. Parents who have a good relationship with the caregiver, show more improvement with VIPP-V in their contact with their child.



Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Each year in the Netherlands, there are approximately 880 (very) young children with a visual or visual-intellectual disability receiving care from Bartiméus and Royal Dutch Visio. Families of these children are offered comprehensive support in adapting to the disability and promoting optimal development through early intervention services. These services include interventions to support infant-parent interaction, given the impact of the disabilities on communication. At the moment, these interventions are not evidence-based and transferable through written protocols. The need for evidence-based interaction support was identified recently in a ‘best practice on video feedback’ working group of professionals at Bartiméus (Braams et al., Bartiméus, 2011) and affirmed by a survey we did among parents using the current early intervention programs at Royal Dutch Visio and at Bartiméus. In addition, progress in identifying effective mechanisms for supporting parent-infant interactions in other populations and the development of evidence-based methods provide a fertile ground for developing and testing a protocol-based intervention for infants with visual and visual-intellectual disabilities as well. The intervention will be an adaptation of Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting (VIPP; Juffer, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & Van IJzendoorn, 2008). It has been adapted for parents with a child with autism (VIPP-Auti), with challenging behaviour (VIPP-SD) and with a learning disability (VIPP-LD). In this study the VIPP will be adapted and examined for parents with a child with a visual impairment or visual-and-intellectual disability (VIPP-V). The goals of the study are to examine the effect of VIPP-V in promoting parental self-efficacy, sensitivity, and the quality of parent-child interaction and to examine the added value of VIPP-V to early intervention services for parents of children with a visual impairment or with a visual-and-intellectual disability. The effect of VIPP-V will be examined in a randomized controlled study (RCT) with two groups: 50 parents receiving early intervention services as usual and 50 parents receiving services as usual + VIPP-V. Eight coaches will be trained and they will then coach 16 early intervention workers conducting the six home visits for the VIPP-V intervention. In case of positive results, VIPP-V can be immediately continued as a component of services for parents of children with a visual impairment or visual-and-intellectual disability.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Prof. dr. C. Schuengel
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam