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ENgage YOung people earlY (ENYOY): Headspace in the Netherlands


Psychische stoornissen ontstaan grotendeels vóór het 25e levensjaar. Vaak begint dat klein, bijvoorbeeld met angst of het horen van een stem. Jongeren stappen echter niet snel naar de psycholoog of psychiater omdat over psychische problemen in onze maatschappij niet zo makkelijk gepraat wordt. Het is belangrijk om deze jongeren al vroeg te bereiken omdat symptomen kunnen verergeren. Hulp in deze fase heeft meer effect dan wanneer jongeren ernstigere psychische problemen, een diagnose en medicatie hebben gekregen.

Headspace centra

In Australië is succes geboekt met zo’n 100 Headspace centra waar jongeren met klachten en vragen over hun psychische gezondheid, drugsgebruik, studie en financiën laagdrempelig binnen kunnen lopen. Met subsidie is in Amsterdam en Maastricht gestart met deze Headspace centra.


In dit project willen wij aanvullend op de Headspace centra, de Australische website eHeadspace Generation Next aanpassen en vertalen met inzet van jongeren van Ixta Noa, ExpEx en Jeugdplatform Amsterdam. Verder onderzoeken wij het effect van deze website.

Betrokkenheid cliënten

In dit project werkt een jongerenpanel, bestaande uit leden van cliëntorganisaties ExpEx, Ixta Noa en Jeugdplatform Amsterdam, samen met de GGz-instellingen De Bascule, Virenze, Mondriaan en met het AMC, VUmc, Universiteit Maastricht, Buurtzorg Nederland, Universiteit van Melbourne (Australië) en het Trimbos Instituut. De jongeren (die voor hun deelname betaald worden en een reis- en onkostenvergoeding ontvangen) zijn enthousiast over het project omdat de Headspace teams en de eHeadspace Generation Next website continuïteit van laagdrempelige, niet-stigmatiserende zorg bieden aan hun leeftijdsgroep (12-25 jaar). Headspace centra zullen ervoor zorgen, versterkt door eHeadspace Generation Next, dat jongeren bij beginnende psychische problemen eerder worden bereikt en effectiever worden geholpen waardoor de kans op een psychiatrische aandoening verkleind wordt.

E-mental health

Preventie en behandeling van psychische klachten zonder het gebruik van internet is in de praktijk nauwelijks meer denkbaar. Interventies via internet hebben de toekomst: het is effectief, toegankelijk en de kosten zijn beperkt. Online zelfhulp interventies bereiken zo’n 2% van de populatie. Daarom financiert ZonMw diverse onderzoeken naar e-mental health.

> overzicht van e-mental health projecten



Titel: The Effects of a Digital, Transdiagnostic, Clinically and Peer-Moderated Treatment Platform for Young People With Emerging Mental Health Complaints: Repeated Measures Within-Subjects
Auteur: van Doorn M, Monsanto A, Wang CL, Verfaillie SCJ, van Amelsvoort TAMJ, Popma A, Jaspers MWM, Öry F, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Gleeson JF, Nieman DH
Magazine: JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e50636
Titel: Moderated digital social therapy for young people with emerging mental health problems: A user-centered mixed-method design and usability study
Magazine: Front. Digit. Health, 09 January 2023 Sec. Digital Mental Health Volume 4 - 2022
Titel: European college of neuropsychopharmacology network on the prevention of mental disorders and mental health promotion (ECNP PMD-MHP)
Auteur: Fusar-Poli, P., Bauer, M., Borgwardt, S., Bechdolf, A., Correll,CU., Do, K.Q., Domschke, K., Galderisi, S., Kessing, L.V., Koutsouleris, N., Krebs, MO., Lennox, B., McGuire, P., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Millan, MJ., Nieman, D., Pfennig, A., Sand, M., Whenert, A., van Amelsvoort, T., Arango, C.
Magazine: European Neuropsychopharmacology
Titel: ENgage YOung people earlY (ENYOY): a mixed-method study design for a digital transdiagnostic clinical – and peer- moderated treatment platform for youth with beginning mental health complaints in the Netherlands
Magazine: BMC Psychiatry 21, 368 (2021).
Titel: Usability, Feasibility, and Effect of a Biocueing Intervention in Addition to a Moderated Digital Social Therapy-Platform in Young People With Emerging Mental Health Problems: A Mixed-Method Approach
Magazine: Front. Psychiatry, 25 May 2022 Sec. Digital Mental Health Volume 13 - 2022
Titel: Online Indicated Preventive Mental Health Interventions for Youth: A Scoping Review
Magazine: Front. Psychiatry, 29 April 2021 Sec. Public Mental Health Volume 12 - 2021
Titel: Digitaal platform voor lichte mentale problemen moet jongeren helpen: ‘Nu is er geen behandeling’
Auteur: Sija van den Beukel
Magazine: Folia
Titel: Voor de Jeugd Dag 2021 | ENYOY & @ease laagdrempelige preventieve hulp voor jongeren
Auteur: Marilon van Doorn (psycholoog en onderzoeker) en Jenny Getz (GGZ ervaringsdeskundige en vrijwilliger)
Titel: ENYOY: zelf online aan de slag met je mentale gezondheid [trailer]
Auteur: ease Nederland
Titel: Voorkom erger: online preventie bij jongeren met beginnende psychische klachten
Auteur: E. Ruigt, K.Avis, T. van Amelsvoort, A. Popma, R. Klaassen, W. Mulder, F. Ory, D. Nieman
Titel: From clinical staging and profiling to prevention in mental health care
Auteur: E. Ruigt, K. Avis, T van Amelsvoort, A. Popma, W. Mulder, R. Klaassen, F. Ory, D. Nieman


Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Since 75 percent of mental disorders start before the age of 25, early detection and intervention in young people is critical to prevent mild symptoms from becoming chronic. Unfortunately, professional help-seeking and access to care are low in this group. Australia is world leading in reforming youth mental health with over 100 youth-friendly, low-stigma community Headspace centres in which youngsters, their family and friends can seek help for general health and education problems, drug use and (emerging) psychiatric symptoms. These centres aim at early detection and treatment of psychiatric symptoms as well as personalized health care for young people aged 12-25 years and have also been implemented in Denmark and Ireland. Inspired by this example, a consortium consisting of three Dutch mental health care institutions (de Bascule in Amsterdam and Mondriaan and Virenze in Maastricht) together with the academic centres AMC, VUmc and Maastricht University recently started with the development of Headspace teams funded by Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars. The Headspace centres operated by the above-mentioned consortium are organized according to the Danish Headspace model and provide personalized health care for young people aged 12-25 years. The project presented here will be implemented by this consortium in collaboration with the Australian group led by professor McGorry, Trimbos Institute, Buurtzorg Nederland and with young experts by experience in emerging psychiatric problems from Ixta Noa, ExpEx and Jeugdplatform Amsterdam who are involved in the design, evaluation and implementation. The aim of this project is the adaptation and translation of the Australian website eHeadspace Generation Next (GN) for the Netherlands and to assess its effectiveness in supporting young people 12-25 years with mental health problems. eHeadspace GN has been developed in Australia over the past 10 years by the group of profs Alvarez-Jimenez and Gleeson. It integrates the one-to-one service of first generation eHeadspace with the Moderated Online Social Therapy (MOST) platform (the combination of eHeadspace and MOST is abbreviated in this grant-application to eHeadspace GN). Within eHeadspace GN young people are able to request immediate contact with a clinician. However, they are also able to connect with others, team-up to achieve goals, obtain peer support, take positive interpersonal risks, practice therapeutic techniques, or quietly do their own thing, browsing content and reading the social feed. The therapeutic content combines low-literacy, high concept comics that gently explain and enact therapy skills, in an engaging, interactive way. The therapeutic content is tailored to the needs of help-seeking young people, including support for depression and anxiety, relationships, drug use and vocational assistance. eHeadspace GN protects young people’s anonymity. Accounts are deactivated and content removed when young people do not use the eHealth service for longer than 10 days. eHeadspace GN incorporates state of the art tools to ensure safety and promote a supportive and positive network. Sophisticated technologies including sentiment analysis prioritise content and enable the moderation of high volume activity ensuring the rapid removal of harmful content. Automation and peer support will relieve pressure on the system by reducing the burden on the live chat resources, and more young people can be helped. The site is characterized by social connectivity, i.e. users can share personal experiences with peers, follow therapeutic modules and contact clinicians if required. The system resembles regular social networking programs i.e. asynchronous, ongoing communication, but provides a private and enclosed social network. In addition, expert moderators guide, but not censor, the interaction to ensure a safe and supportive environment. Young people who visit the Headspace and centres in Amsterdam and Maastricht and have emerging mental health problems will be referred to the eHeadspace GN website and will receive login information as this website is protected. In addition to the effectiveness of eHeadspace GN, the relationship between stress biomarkers, symptoms and outcome measures that are relevant for clients who use the eHeadspace GN website is also object of this study. To enhance sustainability of the project, the project group has already established working relations with the municipalities of Amsterdam and Maastricht and has invited members of health insurance companies to conferences and workshops to inform them about Headspace and eHeadspace GN.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
dr. D.H. Nieman PhD
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC