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Cardiovascular events in high risk patients: prognosis and etiology.


De Cirkel van Willis is een ring van vertakte slagaders rond de hals. Deze zorgt ervoor dat bloed naar de gehele hersenen blijft stromen als belangrijke slagaderen zijn vernauwd. De Cirkel is sterker ontwikkeld bij mensen met ernstige vernauwing van de halsslagaderen. Hoge bloeddruk, diabetes en verstopping van de binnenste halsslagader zijn geassocieerd met veranderingen in de aanleg van de Cirkel van Willis. In patiënten met de laatste twee aandoeningen, is het achterste gedeelte van de Cirkel vaker volledig aangelegd dan bij anderen. Sommige groeifactoren stimuleren de uitbreiding van de Cirkel. Ook de het hart beschermt de bloedtoevoer door de aanleg van nieuwe arteriën (collateralen) bij vernauwing van de hartslagaderen. Roken stimuleert de aanleg ervan, hoge bloeddruk remt deze. Factoren als insulineresistentie (diabetes), metabool syndroom en relatief hoge concentraties groeifactoren hebben geen invloed.


Titel: Genetics and susceptibility of coronary collataral formation - response.
Auteur: Koerselman J; Van der Graaf Y; De Jaegere PPTH; Grobbee DE
Magazine: Circulation
Titel: Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine are associated with neurotoxicity
Auteur: Bisschops RH, van der Graaf Y, Mali WP, van der Grond J; SMART Study Group
Magazine: Atherosclerosis
Titel: Coronary collaterals - insights in molecular determinants and prognostic relevance.
Auteur: Regieli JJ, Nathoe HM, Koerselman J, Van der Graaf Y, Grobbee DE, Doevendans PA. Int J Cardiol 2006; July 7.
Magazine: Int J Cardiol
Titel: The Prognostic Value of Vascular Diameter Measurements on Routine Chest Computed Tomography in Patients Not Referred for Cardiovascular Indications.
Auteur: Gondrie MJ, van der Graaf Y, Jacobs PC, Buckens SC, Mali WP; On Behalf of the PROVIDI Study Group
Magazine: Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography
Titel: Distribution of cerebral blood flow in the circle of Willis.
Auteur: Hendrikse J, van Raamt AF, van der Graaf Y, Mali WP, van der Grond J. Radiology. 2005 Apr;235(1):184-9. Epub 2005 Mar 4. PMID: 15749975 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Magazine: Radiology
Titel: Unrequested information from routine diagnostic chest CT predicts future cardiovascular events.
Auteur: Jacobs PC, Gondrie MJ, Mali WP, Oen AL, Prokop M, Grobbee DE, van der Graaf Y.
Magazine: European Radiology
Titel: Coronary collaterals: an important and underexposed aspect of coronary artery disease. Special review
Auteur: Koerselman J, Van der Graaf Y, De Jaegere PPTh, Grobbee DE.
Magazine: Circulation
Titel: High blood pressure reduces coronary collateral circulation
Auteur: Koerselman J, De Jaegere PPTh, Verhaar MC, Van der Graaf Y, Grobbee DE; SMART Study Group 2005; 19: 809-817.
Magazine: Journal of Human Hypertension
Titel: Retinal vessel narrowing and risk of hypertension through microvascualar rarefaction
Auteur: Koerselman J, Van der Graaf Y, Grobbee DE
Magazine: British Medical Journal
Titel: Arterial blood flow to the brain in patients with vascular disease: the SMART study
Auteur: van Raamt AF, Appelman AP, Mali WP, van der Graaf Y; SMART Study Group. Arterial blood flow to the brain in patients with vascular disease: the SMART Study. Radiology. 2006 Aug;240(2):515-21. PMID: 16864675 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Magazine: Radiology
Titel: A fetal circle of Willis is associated with a decreased deep white matter lesion load.
Auteur: van der Grond J, van Raamt AF, van der Graaf Y, Mali WP, Bisschops RH. Neurology. 2004 Oct 26;63(8):1452-6. PMID: 15505164 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Magazine: Neurology
Titel: Increasing levels of TNFalpha are associated with increased brain perfusion.
Auteur: ]van Laar PJ, van Raamt AF, van der Grond J, Mali WP, van der Graaf Y, Hendrikse J; SMART Study Group. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Jan 11; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17222850 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Magazine: Atherosclerosis
Titel: Dossier Borst
Auteur: Koerselman J
Magazine: Medisch Contact
Titel: Coronary collateral circulation: the effects of smoking and alcohol
Auteur: Koerselman J, De Jaegere PPTh, Verhaar MC, Grobbee DE, Van der Graaf Y; SMART Study Group.
Magazine: Atherosclerosis
Titel: Determinants and prognostic significance of collaterals in patients undergoing coronary revascularization
Auteur: Nathoe HM, Koerselman J, Buskens E, Van Dijk D, Stella PR, Plokker HWM, Doevendans PA, Grobbee DE, De Jaegere PPTh; Octopus Study Group.
Magazine: American Journal of Cardiology
Titel: Prognostic significance of coronary collaterals in patients with coronary heart disease having percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Auteur: Koerselman J, De Jaegere PPTh, Verhaar MC, Grobbee DE, Van der Graaf Y; SMART Study Group.
Magazine: American Journal of Cardiology
Titel: Prediction of cardiovascular events by using non-vascular findings on routine chest CT
Auteur: de Jong PA, Gondrie MJ, Buckens CF, Jacobs PC, Mali WP, van der Graaf Y; PROVIDI study group
Magazine: PLoS ONE
Titel: Cardiac ischemic score determines the presence of coronary collateral circulation
Auteur: Koerselman J, De Jaegere PPTh, Verhaar MC, Grobbee DE, Van der Graaf Y; SMART Study Group. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther
Magazine: Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy
Titel: High total cerebral blood flow is associated with a decrease of white matter lesions
Auteur: Bisschops RH, van der Graaf Y, Mali WP, van der Grond J; SMART study group
Magazine: Neurology
Titel: Homocysteine level and cognitive function in patients with arterial disease: the second manifestations of ARTerial Disease Study.
Auteur: van Raamt AF, Kalmijn S, Mali WP, van Zandvoort MJ, van der Graaf Y; SMART Study Group.
Magazine: J Am Geriatr Soc.
Titel: The association of incidentally detected heart valve calcification with future cardiovascular events.
Auteur: Gondrie MJ, van der Graaf Y, Jacobs PC, Oen AL, Mali WP; PROVIDI Study Group.
Magazine: European Radiology
Titel: Presence of the metabolic syndrome does not impair coronary collateral vessel formation in patients with documented coronary artery disease
Auteur: Olijhoek JK, Koerselman J, De Jaegere PPTh, Verhaar MC, Grobbee DE, Van der Graaf Y, Visseren FLJ; SMART Study Group
Magazine: Diabetes Care
Titel: The fetal variant of the circle of Willis and its influence on the cerebral collateral circulation
Auteur: van Raamt AF, Mali WP, van Laar PJ, van der Graaf Y. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2006;22(4):217-24. Epub 2006 Jun 20. Review. PMID: 16788293 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Magazine: Cerebrovasc Dis
Titel: Cerebral flow in patients with a fetal type posterior part of the circle of Willis in patients with vascular disease.
Titel: Prognostic significance of coronary collaterals in patients with ischemic heart disease
Titel: Collateraal-vorming als determinant van prognose bij patiënten met coronaire hartziekten: de SMART-collateralen studie
Titel: Factors related to total cerebral blood flow in patients with vascular disease. The SMART study
Titel: High blood pressure is inversely related with presence and extent of coronary collaterals
Titel: Chronic cardiac ischemic burden determines presence of coronary collateral circulation
Titel: Collateral development as determinant of prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease: the SMART-collaterals study
Titel: Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) polymorphism and susceptibility for coronary collaterals
Titel: Chronic cardiac ischemic burden promotes presence of coronary collateral circulation.
Titel: Cardiovascular ischemic events in high risk patients: the role of coronary collateral circulation and circulating angiogenic factors in PTCA patients. A nested case-control study in the SMART-cohort. Background and methods
Titel: High blood pressure is inversely related with presence and extent of coronary collaterals.
Titel: Collateral development as determinant of prognosis in patients with coronary heart disease: the SMART-collaterals study
Titel: Homocysteine level and cognitive function in patients with vascular disease. The SMART study
Titel: Brain damage in patients with manifest arterial disease
Auteur: A. Fleur van Raamt Promotores: Prof.dr. Y. van der Graaf Prof.Dr. W.P.Th.M. Mali Co-promotor Dr. S. Kalmijn
Titel: Coronary Collaterals
Auteur: Jeroen Koerselman Promotores: Prof.dr. Y. van der Graaf Prof.dr. E.E. Grobbee Co-promotor: Dr. P.P.Th. de Jaegere



- De Cirkel van Willis wordt in de literatuur beschouwd als een structuur voor collateraal circulatie maar waarschijnlijk moeten deze bevindingen verklaard worden uit de selectie van onderzoekspopulatie en speelt de Cirkel vooral een grote rol bij de aanwezigheid van ernstige (dubbelzijdige) carotis stenosering en/of occlusie.
- In een populatie van patiënten met symptomatisch vaatlijden bleek de configuratie van de Cirkel niet geassocieerd met vasculair risico. Waarschijnlijk zijn alleen extreme variaties op de Cirkel van Willis (dubbelzijdige foetale variant) in een populatie met symptomatisch vaatlijden maar zonder carotis occlusie van invloed op het cardiovasculair risico. Wij kunnen dit pas in de toekomst onderzoeken omdat in de huidige populatie van 1309 patiënten slechts 4% een Cirkel van Willis heeft met een dubbelzijdige foetale variant.
- De aanwezigheid van hypertensie bleek geassocieerd met een incomplete anterior Cirkel, daarentegen bleek het achterste deel van de Cirkel vaker compleet in patiënten met diabetes en een stenose van de carotis interna..
- Hogere niveaus van circulerend ‘basic fibroblast growth factor’ (bFGF) vergroten de kans op een uitgebreider collateraal netwerk in het brein. Van de onderzochte groeifactoren ‘vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), ‘ granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), ‘ tumor necrosis factor α (TNF- α) en ‘basic fibroblast growth factor’ (bFGF) is voor toekomstig klinisch onderzoek waarschijnlijk bFGF de meest veelbelovende.
- Metabool syndroom en insuline resistentie zijn niet geassocieerd met de aanwezigheid van collateralen in het hart.
- Rokers hebben een uitgebreider collateraal netwerk in het hart, waarschijnlijk omdat zij dit harder nodig hebben dan niet rokers
- Hypertensie is in negatieve zin geassocieerd met collateraalvorming in het hart.
- De groeifactoren basic fibroblast GrowthFactor (bFGF), vascular endothelial GrowthFactor (VEGF), and hepatocyte GrowFactor bleken niet geassocieerd met collateraalvorming in het hart.
- Cardiac ischemic belasting is een belangrijke determinant van collateraalvorming in het hart. De aanwezigheid van collateralen in het hart leidt vooral bij patiënten met een hoog basis risico tot meer toekomstige cardiovasculaire events.

Samenvatting van de aanvraag

a. Overall aim Cardiovascular diseases are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Westernized societies and are expected to increase in global importance in the years to come. The most important contribution by epidemiology over the last decades in understanding cardiovascular disease, is the gradual recognition and definition of risk factors that play a part in the initiation and promotion of cardiovascular disease. Landmark studies kike Framingham, the Seven Countries Studies, the MONICA study and many other subsequent studies have provided ample evidence that elevated serum cholesterol, reduced HDL-cholesterol, elevated bloodpressure, smoking, impaired glucose tolerance and a number of other factors are directly or inderictly related to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Knowledge of these risk factors, however, is insufficient to predict progression of cardiovascular disease and in particular the prediction of occurrence of new inchemic symptoms in patients with established cardiovascular disease. It is unclear why some patients with established cardiovascular disease. It is unclear why some patients with established cardiovascular disease have only a single clinical manifestation of the disease and others experience myocardial infarctions or other manifestations of ischemic vascular disease after their initial event. Most patients have similar levels of traditional risk factors and have more or less severe atherosclerosis. Other mechanism must determine whether (and when) and individual, in the presence of atherosclerossis will experience new cardiovascular events. Symptoms of coronary heart disease (or other ischemic symptoms in other vascular beds) are likely to manifest themselves in subjects with endorgans, e.g., myocardium or brain tissue vulnerwable for ischemia and reduced flow. Variouis factors have been proposed that affect tissue vulnerability to ischemic events including left ventricular hypertrophy, smoking and metabolic abnormalities. Another mechanism of potential major importance is the tendency of individuals to develop collateral circulation in areas of increased ischemia. This has so far received little attention in clinical epidemiological research. The proposal concentrates on the interaction of atherosclerotic burden and the propensity to develop collateral circulation in determining the occurrence of ischemic cardiovascular events in high risk patients. The overall aim is to unravel the role and importance of collateral circulation in the occurrence of these cardiovascular events and to define predictors for new clinical events in patients with established cardiovascular disease. The proposed research will concentrate on three major ischemic vascular diseases: myocardial infarction, stroke and peripheral arterial disease. Key objective: To determine whether and increased tendency to develop collateral circulation leads to a decreased ischemic vulnerability and improved prognosis ni cardiovascular compromised patients the following research questions will be addressed in two sub-projects: 1. Is the presence and extent of collateral circulation, as measured with coronary angiography and magnetic resonance imagting of the brain, a determinant of occurrence of new symptomatic cardiovascular events in subjects with extensive atherosclerosis. 2. Is the propensity to form new collateral arteries in areas of ischemic stress, as measured by circulating levels of VEGF, bFGF, G-CSF, related to the risk of symptomatic cardiovascular events in subjects with extensive atherosclerosis. 3. Is the propensity of a collateral vascular response, as juged by vascular reactivity, related to the risk of symptomatic cardiovascular events in subjedts with extensive atherosclerosisi. b. Approach The research will be performed within the recently established SMART cohort. The Second Manifestation of ARTerial disease study (present number 2100, 70% male) is an ongoing prospective cohort study in the University Medical Center Utrecht. Since September 1996, all patients, aged 18-79, are included who are newly referred to the uUIniversity Medical Center with cardiovascular disease or marked elevation of risk factors (hypertension, hyperlipidemia or diabetes). At enrolment extensive base-line data are obtained about medical history, medication use and presence of traditional risk factors. Height, weight, waist/hip ration and blood pressure are measured and blood is taken for lipid, gucose, homocysteine and creatinine levels. Micro-albuminuria and creatinine excretion in urine is measured. Additional blood and urine samples are stored for future study. 'Total atherosclerotic burden' is determined by measuring Intima Media Thickness (IMT) of the common carotid artery. Also a lead resting electro-cardiogram, ankle-brachial blood pressure index, ultrasonography of aorta and the kidneys and distensibility measurements of the common carotid artery are performed and plaques and degree of stenosis anre assessed using published protocols. Every 6 months questionnaires on hospitatlization and outpatient clinic visits are sent to the patients and follow-up of the cohort is virtually complete. The present proposal has two parts. First, collateral circulation and angiogenic potential of patients who were admitted for PTCA (in the period 1996-2001) will be studied in a nested-case control study. The presence and propensity of collateral circulation, as measured by visualization of the collateral/s on coronary angiography and circulating levels of angiogenic parameters (VEGF, bFGF, G-CSF) will be compared across tow groups of PTCA patients: those who experienced a new symptomatic cardiovascular event during follow-up (N=88) and those who did not (N=16). Second, in all patients who will enter the SMART cohort in 2001-2002 (N=680) MRA of the cerebral circulation will be performed to assess collateral flow in the brain and blood samples will be obtained for later analysis of biochemical indicators of angiogneic potential (VEGF, bFGF, G-CSF). In addition, flow mediated vasodiatroy response will be measured as an estimate of collateral vascular response. In PTCA patiens collateral circulation of the heart will be measured as well. In the follow-up period 184 new symptomatic cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke, vascular disease, vascular death, carotid artery surgery, PTCA, PTA and amputation) are expected. Using proportional hazard analysis, the protective effect of a larger collateral circulatory potential will be determined. Adjustments will be made for differences in age, gender, risk factor profile and degree of atherosclerosis as estimated by intima media thickness. Next, to determine the modifying effect of varying degrees of generalized or local atherosclerotic arterial disease, analyses will be repeated within strata of atherosclerosis. c. Elements of innovation There is a sizeable body of evidence about the role 'conventional' risk factors pay in the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Still, for a given degree of atherosclerosis some patients suffer forom symptomatic disease and impairments while others do not. Therefore, apart form local and generalized atherosclerosis other mechanisms need to determine the likelihood of symptomatic ischemic events. It is well appreciated in clinical practice that the presence and development of collateral circulation markedly affects symptomatology and prognosis in individual patients. The role of collateral circulation has, however, been largely neglected in cardiovascular clinical epidemiology, and little is known about determinants of presence, use and development of collateral arterial circulation. The proposed project is one of the first to address this etiologically and clinically important aspect of cardiovascular disease in a group of patients for which this is particularly relevant. d. Relevance for health care. Ischemic diseases of the heart and the brain are major causes of morbidity and mortality in Westernized societies and an impending epidemic in the developing world. The Global Burden of Disease project has projected that in 2020 coronary heart disease will be topping the list of global mortality causes. In recent decades, results from epidemiological researdh supplemented with increasing insight in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis have clarified the role of a range of risk factors that determine the occurrence and progression of atherosclerotic vascular lesions. While this has enabled preventive intervention, it remains problematic to predict and explain the occurrence of ischemic events in individual patients. One likely reasonfor this is that other phenomena, conditional on the presence of athersoclerosis, play a part in the eventual transition from vascular wall pathology to occlusion and to ischemia. On the one hand, sudden changes such as plaque rupture and thrombosis may lead to acute worsening of arterial flow. In addition, however, the vulnerability of organs such as the heart and the brain for impaired tissue perfusion is of potential critical importance. The presence and potential for collateral circulation may determine both short-term outcome and long-term prognosis. In a society where, in part due to demographic changes, a major part of the population may be expected to have at least some degree of atherosclerosis, the role of collateral circulation and its determinants is of clear public health relevance. Using the same approaches that have successfully clarified determinants and mechanisms of atherosclerosis, the proposed research aims at advancement of understanding of the role collateral circulation and factors that determine the presence, use and development of collateral circulatory flow to compromised tissues.



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Onderdeel van programma:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Prof. dr. Y. van der Graaf