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Simultaneous photo-manipulation and non-linear optical imaging of single synapses and neuronal networks in intact brain


Communicatie tussen hersencellen vormt de basis voor ons denken, leren,
en herinneren. Hoe contactpunten, synapsen, in het levende brein werken
en wat de regels zijn waarmee ze veranderen is onduidelijk. Met behulp
van infrarood lasers en niet-lineaire optische technieken kunnen
individuele synapsen bestudeerd en gemanipuleerd worden. Daarmee kunnen
werkingsmechanismen in gezonde en zieke hersenen opgehelderd worden.


Titel: Hyperconnectivity and slow synapses during early development of medial prefrontal cortex in a mouse model for mental retardation and autism doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhr224
Auteur: Testa-Silva G, Loebel A, Giugliano M, de Kock CPJ, Mansvelder HD*, Meredith RM*
Magazine: Cerebral Cortex
Titel: Short-coherence off-axis holographic phase microscopy of live cell dynamics
Auteur: Witte, Stefan, Plauska, Andrius, Ridder, Margreet C., van Berge, Laura, Mansvelder, Huibert D., Groot, Marie Louise
Magazine: Biomedical Optics Express
Titel: Optimal lens design and use in laser-scanning microscopy
Auteur: Negrean, Adrian, Mansvelder, Huibert D.
Magazine: Biomedical Optics Express
Titel: Development of dendritic tonic GABAergic inhibition regulates excitability and plasticity in CA1 pyramidal neurons
Auteur: Groen, M. R., Paulsen, O., Perez-Garci, E., Nevian, T., Wortel, J., Dekker, M. P., Mansvelder, H. D., van Ooyen, A., Meredith, R. M.
Magazine: Journal of Neurophysiology
Titel: Label-free live brain imaging and targeted patching with third-harmonic generation microscopy 108(15):5970-5.
Auteur: 4. Witte S, Negrean A, Lodder JC, de Kock CPJ, Testa Silva G, Mansvelder HD*, Groot ML*
Magazine: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
Titel: Mechanisms Underlying the Rules for Associative Plasticity at Adult Human Neocortical Synapses
Auteur: Verhoog, M. B., Goriounova, N. A., Obermayer, J., Stroeder, J., Hjorth, J. J. J., Testa-Silva, G., Baayen, J. C., de Kock, C. P. J., Meredith, R. M., Mansvelder, H. D.
Magazine: Journal of Neuroscience
Titel: Layer-Specific Modulation of the Prefrontal Cortex by Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
Auteur: Poorthuis, R. B., Bloem, B., Schak, B., Wester, J., de Kock, C. P. J., Mansvelder, H. D.
Magazine: Cerebral Cortex
Titel: Layer-specific cholinergic control of human and mouse cortical synaptic plasticity
Auteur: Verhoog, Matthijs B., Obermayer, Joshua, Kortleven, Christian A., Wilbers, René, Wester, Jordi, Baayen, Johannes C., De Kock, Christiaan P. J., Meredith, Rhiannon M., Mansvelder, Huibert D.
Magazine: Nature Communications
Titel: Layer-Specific Interference with Cholinergic Signaling in the Prefrontal Cortex by Smoking Concentrations of Nicotine
Auteur: Poorthuis, R. B., Bloem, B., Verhoog, M. B., Mansvelder, H. D.
Magazine: Journal of Neuroscience
Titel: Shisa6 traps AMPA receptors at postsynaptic sites and prevents their desensitization during synaptic activity
Auteur: Klaassen, Remco V., Stroeder, Jasper, Coussen, Françoise, Hafner, Anne-Sophie, Petersen, Jennifer D., Renancio, Cedric, Schmitz, Leanne J. M., Normand, Elisabeth, Lodder, Johannes C., Rotaru, Diana C., Rao-Ruiz, Priyanka, Spijker, Sabine, Mansvelder, Huibert D., Choquet, Daniel, Smit, August B.
Magazine: Nature Communications
Titel: Third harmonic generation imaging for fast, label-free pathology of human brain tumors
Auteur: Kuzmin, N. V., Wesseling, P., Hamer, P. C. de Witt, Noske, D. P., Galgano, G. D., Mansvelder, H. D., Baayen, J. C., Groot, M. L.
Magazine: Biomedical Optics Express
Titel: Palette of fluorinated voltage-sensitive hemicyanine dyes
Auteur: Yan, P., Acker, C. D., Zhou, W.-L., Lee, P., Bollensdorff, C., Negrean, A., Lotti, J., Sacconi, L., Antic, S. D., Kohl, P., Mansvelder, H. D., Pavone, F. S., Loew, L. M.
Magazine: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA



Het gebruik van optische technieken en fluorescente eiwitten om de eigenschappen van cellen te bestuderen en te manipuleren zijn zeer succesvol gebleken en hebben voor verschillende doorbraken in biomedische wetenschappen gezorgd. Recente ontwikkelingen in optische technieken hebben geleid tot een toename in spatiele en temporele resolutie om enkele geidentificeerde contacten tussen hersencellen te bestuderen, maar ook grootschalige neuronale netwerken. Hersenweefsel verstrooid licht in sterke mate. Niet-lineaire optische technieken die infrarood licht gebruiken kunnen beter doordringen in hersenweefsel, en recente technologische ontwikkelingen maken het nu mogelijk om contactpunten en hersencellen met licht te manipuleren in het intact, levend hersenweefsel.
Wij hebben een imaging platform ontwikkeld dat lichtmanipulatie met niet-lineaire imaging combineert in levend hersenweefsel. Het platform maakt gebruik van meerdere lasers om verschillende golflengten van licht te kunnen gebruiken om laserstimulatie en imaging elkaar niet te laten verstoren. Met het system zijn tijdens de looptijd van dit project verschillende onderzoeksprojecten uitgevoerd.

Samenvatting van de aanvraag

Optical methods and fluorescent proteins to probe and manipulate cellular and subcellular processes have proven to be very powerful tools and have been the driving force behind many recent breakthroughs in biology and medicine. Recent developments in photonics have led to increased spatial and temporal resolution and now allow the study of single identified synaptic contacts between neurons as well as large-scale neuronal networks. Brain tissue strongly scatters light. Non-linear optical methods using near infra-red and infra-red wavelengths (700 – 1600 nm) have gained momentum in recent years and have shown to successfully penetrate living brain tissue and image neuronal activity with high spatial and temporal resolution. Recent technological advances in targeted photo-manipulation of single synapses and neurons now allow applying these techniques to intact living neuronal networks and the living brain. To simultaneously photo-stimulate single synapses or single neurons, and image the biologically relevant fluorescence changes that occur during or immediately following laser stimulation, we aim to establish a novel microscopy platform in the Netherlands, capable of combining photo-manipulation with simultaneous, uninterrupted non-linear optical imaging in acute brain slices as well as in the intact brain at the millisecond to hours time scale. The novel custom-built platform will contain two synchronized scanners that deliver two independent long-wavelength femto-second laser beams of different frequencies so that image observation is not interrupted during laser light stimulation. This system opens new avenues to ask essential fundamental and translational questions in cellular and systems neuroscience and address them in intact brain tissue, for instance, modulation of synaptic transmission at single synapses, synapse pathology in mental retardation, neuronal network connectivity in autism or synaptic membrane potential dynamics. In addition, novel non-linear methods will be developed and optimized, such as second and third harmonics generation, to visualize neuronal networks and neuronal activity. The expertise of the participating laboratories warrants optimal embedding of this novel technology in internationally recognized research, and the availability of many photonic tools, such as fluorescently tagged proteins, organelles and caged compounds. Furthermore, the host institute offers specialized personnel, technicians, PhD-students and staff, to perform and supervise the proposed projects.



Looptijd: 100%
Looptijd: 100 %
Onderdeel van programma:
Gerelateerde subsidieronde:
Projectleider en penvoerder:
Prof. dr. H.D. Mansvelder
Verantwoordelijke organisatie:
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam