Working with knowledge to boost good health for all

ZonMw programmes and funds research and innovation in health, healthcare and well-being, encourages the use of this knowledge and highlights knowledge needs.

New funding options

Off Road 2025

The Off Road programme focuses on curiosity-driven, fundamental research at the start of the knowledge chain and the ability to quickly explore a promising idea...


NWO Talent Programme Veni 2024

Veni is part of the NWO Talent Programme. It allows researchers who have recently obtained their PhD to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for...


Second grant call for biomedical research in ME/CFS

To improve the health, quality of life and social position of people with ME/CFS, biomedical knowledge about ME/CFS is necessary. Within this call, funding can...


JTC 2025 - “Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care”

THCS Joint Transnational Call (JTC) for proposals aiming to fund research and innovation projects that strengthen primary and community health and care systems...


Belgium-Netherlands Funding of International Trials 4 (BeNeFIT4 Call)

BeNeFIT4 Call is an international call for non-commercial practice-oriented research. It is a joint programme in which the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre...


NWA Sexually transgressive behaviour and sexual violence

This NWA-programme 'Sexually Transgressive Behaviour and Sexual Violence: towards an effective and preventive approach' aims to bundle existing knowledge and...

Data en technologie - Ziekenhuis robot
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Data and technology

Innovations can make a significant contribution to a future-proof system for health, care and wellbeing. Data and technology form essential building blocks to transform existing approaches into a hybrid system that is user-friendly, affordable and accessible. Data utilisation also gives rise to challenges that require further research and knowledge.

Read more about Data and technology
Oudere mannelijke patient ligt in bed en is samen met zijn vrouw in gesprek met een zorgprofessional.
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Appropriate care

A transition to appropriate care has been initiated to render healthcare future-proof. This is a societal challenge that the healthcare sector and society will have to tackle together. Appropriate care is about health instead of illness, offers the right care at the right place, and concerns value- driven care (of good quality, effective and with the efficient deployment of people, funds and materials). It is realised together with the patients and the people around them.

Read more about Appropriate care
Dokter en oudere vrouw die gezichtsmasker dragen
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The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has had worldwide, serious consequences for public health, society and the economy. A lot of research was, and still is, necessary to develop knowledge about vaccines, care for patients, prevention, long COVID and the consequences of COVID-19. But also, how can we prevent and control possible future pandemics? And which knowledge development and consolidation of strengths are needed to better prepare society for future pandemics?

Read more about COVID research
Gezonde leefomgeving
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Healthy living environment

We define a healthy living environment as a physical environment that makes a healthy lifestyle possible, with exercise, relaxation and a healthy diet. A healthy living environment is accessible, safe, achievable and sustainable. Our living environment can positively contribute to our health by facilitating healthier behaviour and by limiting exposure to health risks.

Read more about Healthy living environment


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Background information on the results of the funded projects.

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