The latest news from ZonMw about research, practice, policy and education in healthcare.
- Afbeelding
The path to greater transparency in animal testing
Yesterday, ZonMw president Arfan Ikram presented the research report “Better Science through More Transparency; Pilot...
- Afbeelding
Pre-announcement new grant call for research on human measurement models
Health research that is of high predictive value for humans is important. Human measurement models, utilizing data...
- Afbeelding
6 project groups take up challenges to develop animal-free innovations
The first phase of the 2023 round of Create2Solve can start with the 6 proposals selected by ZonMw to develop animal...
- Afbeelding
European science organisations call for science-based discussion on animal free approaches
On 25 May 2023 the European Parliament´s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) will hold a...
- Afbeelding
Knowledge Agenda makes recommendations for transition to animal-free innovations
(Bio)medical research is currently undertaking the transition to animal-free research. ZonMw analysed what is needed to...
- Afbeelding
Grant call opened for Create2Solve 2023 Phase 1 (Proof of Concept)
ZonMw is making funding available with the Create2Solve programme, together with Stichting Proefdiervrij, for public...
- Afbeelding
Adjustments to call for proposal Knowledge infrastructure for animal research
With effect from 1 January 2023, we have implemented several changes in the procedure for applying for funding for the...