The latest news from ZonMw about research, practice, policy and education in healthcare.
Final version of Plan S published
Friday the first of June, cOAlition S published the revised and final version of Plan S. This plan aims to accelerate...
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New strategic research and innovation agenda on antimicrobial resistance
The update of the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Antimicrobial Resistance (SRIA) presents an...
Award Fostering Responsible Research Practices
Three projects have each been awarded 75,000 euros to implement knowledge from previous projects from the Fostering...
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Apply now for a Gender in Research Fellowship - deadline 9th of May
The deadline to apply for a Gender in Research Fellowship is approaching fast! With the fellowship, both national and...
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ZonMw joins GLoPID-R for infectious diseases
GloPID-R is pleased to welcome the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), represented by...
ZonMw, NWO and KNAW to sign DORA declaration
KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and ZonMw...
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Preventing behavioural problems from changing the child's brain
Research conducted at Erasmus University Rotterdam reveals that a child's brain changes in the event of persistent...
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From fundamental research to personalised medicine for cancer: ‘We increasingly know which drug works best for which patient.'
Fundamental research formed the basis for the personalised treatment of cancer patients. Thanks to whole gene sequencing...
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Gender in research fellowship
This Summer, ZonMw and Erasmus MC offer an interesting joint course program on gender, health and research, as part of...
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Start research into health risks of microplastics
ZonMw has given the starting shot for 15 unique research projects into the effects of micro-and nanoplastics on our...
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SAVE THE DATE: Evolution or revolution?
Join the discussion about the scientist of 2030. Is it time for a scientific revolution? Society is increasingly...
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TOP grant for eleven excellent research groups
Eleven projects by excellent research groups have been awarded a TOP grant. This will allow them to revitalise their...