25 years of ZonMw

Today, 14 February 2023, ZonMw celebrates its 25th anniversary.

A celebration of 25 years of working on good health for everybody by detecting knowledge needs, helping to develop knowledge, and helping to use knowledge. A milestone that we are proud of. We have achieved this together with all of our employees and all stakeholders in the field of health, care and welfare. Because we can only make a difference by working together, both now and in the future!

Throughout this year, you will regularly hear from us about the past 25 years. About what we have achieved together, the obstacles we have overcome, but also the knowledge questions that have not as yet been answered in full. And, of course, we will look ahead to what is still needed and how we can use the lessons learned for future knowledge development and utilisation. We want to do that looking back and looking ahead together with you. But we will tell you more about that another time. Because today, we are simply proud to celebrate.

Een beeldmerk met 25 erin voor het 25-jarig jubileum van ZonMw
